Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dear September

Good to see you again. On-going blessings continue and surround me. I am grateful for the ability to recognize and appreciate the countless gifts that have been bestowed upon me. 

Thank God, The Holy Spirit, Life, Love

I am eternally yours, 


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"Keep It Moving"

Fancy dancer, choreographer and author, Twyla Tharp writes about toughing out the Fall and Winter of our lives with gusto rather than give in to the uncomfortable wear and tear of the years. We should simply adapt and modify according to the changes. 

In her book, "Keep It Moving" she sings the praises and lives by her words of encouraging if not prodding people who are slowing down to get up and move. Her point is not to give in to the whole dang, inconvenient, sometimes obnoxious reminder of the aging process. Change does not need to stop us from making things happen in positive, life enhancing simple ways.

Tharp is a sassy, saucy sort, confident as a mighty lion. Her 83 years are full of exuberance and energy, art and a passion for everything beautiful, bold, brazen and beastly. I am inspired constantly by people who refuse to rust away, give in to the body and mind's lackluster prospective on the matter of how we move through the years. Not to give up on ourselves, our creativity our sense of wonder and curiosity about life, people and everything that makes us glisten at any age.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Onward We Go

One step at a time. How about one thought at a time. To keep ourselves together and usher out the worrisome fretful thoughts fraught with discourse, an unsettlement of thinking that requires attention.

When your brain gets mooshy perhaps due to inactivity, too much sugar, dairy, carbs, meat, the internet or other consumables? Perhaps out of boredom or just looking for something to worry about. I know, I know, lemme just stir-up a problem out of nothing. I will toss my brain and funky thinking read, hard rocks into the blender. Make it a Ninja Blender with industrial strength rpms in an effort to really smash the sh*t out of time-wasting, good for nothing thinking

We share the same wavelength the way the world is wired these days and since the beginning of time no doubt but especially today. A commonality and vibration like the migration and mindset and innate navigational skills of birds and other creatures. A similar thread runs through all of us by virtue of our own assigned species. 

We lead and follow each other at any given moment as our perspective is influenced, effected and sometimes infected by news and information on a personal local, state-wide, national and global level. From bizarre goings on in technology and politics plus a government that is losing its vision based on dark motives, to extreme weather and current trends to the way we talk to ourselves. It all works its way into our state of mind. The loco-motion of the times catches up with you and feels like it caves in on you until we reach critical mass. At that point a shift and shedding of negative thinking is required as soon as possible. It is Ok to leak through the eye sockets in fact, recommended to let go of the strain and stress of external stimuli that creates internal turmoil. It is a sad and chaotic place we find ourselves in for a minute but forget at first that we do not need to stay there.

It is not so easy to catch ourselves from falling into negative thinking. We go through growing pains at any age if we want to evolve. It includes hot tears and some sorrowful self-reckoning. The good news is those tears wash and clean the scuffed-up, banged-up and bruised nature of our world for now, as the fears, despair and darkness lurk around in an effort to disturb our peace and joy. It is crossroads, growing opportunity out of obnoxious unreasonable, irrational and illogical scenarios that play out in my head like a bad off-Broadway show. Thankfully, there are simple ways to balance out the imbalance. What we tell ourselves about ourselves plays such a big part of our world view. What I say, think or feel will determine the quality of the moment as it shakes out.  One learns to yell, sweat, walk, talk, pray, love and snuff out the cameo appearances of self-doubt and inter strife. Onward I go like a maniacal Viking whose quest is to conquer unforgiving oppositions and banish the predatory ugly forces of nature and our lives.  

We travel like sojourners hoping that the road ahead is smooth without peril or pain, hopeful that our footsteps lead us toward the next blessing whether we are on the giving or receiving end. To keep our thoughts in check within a frame of mind that lends itself to peace requires effort to "stay in my own lane" in my thinking and not caught-up in what was and what might be rather than to simply stay here and now within the realm of reality. It is on me by all means to stay the course, keep calm and hold-on to the goodness in place in real time. After the internal mental ruckus, turns-out Blessings prevail at the beginning and end of the day after all. Onward we go. πŸ•Š

Friday, May 31, 2024

Wrap It Up!

Winding down another month. It has been 31 days worth of surprises, appointments and disappointments, good cheer and tears of joy, sadness, exhilaration and on-going grief. 🐾The surprises come out of no where which is what makes them surprising. The appointments include health check-ups, shared meals and pick-up times for consumable goods. The disappointments transcend into humble lessons in patience and timing at God speed. 

We anticipate, look forward to, dread and delight in certain experiences. As the days of our lives unfold, seem to stall out and feel mundane something shifts in a moment, a day, word of something about someone, great news, bad, exciting, compelling. Every single day is part of our travels through life. Every experience propels us to the next thing. It barely happens through each day, the months and years every single moment leads to the next.

Then we look back and ask where does time go as we turn over a new month in the calendar. Here's to wrapping-up another month and making the best of a fresh one. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ain't It Grand

What a world we live in, in our own heads and as inhabitants of planet earth. The craziness, the incredible and unbelievable in people's behavior, the wrongdoing fueled by hate and fear seems more intense. The mainstream news focuses on up to the minute bad news, the dead and dying, war, abuse, corruption, desperation and despair. The breaking news alerts the viewer of something different and new happening, probably not a good thing about the harsh reality of our world. It's the news, "it's what's for dinner". We consume it consciously and subconsciously as fear mongers in the media, corporate America and other places continue to shove the ugliness down our throats. Health and happiness do not sell as well as fear, doubt, inadequacies, comparing yourself to others, confusion, judgement, hate, cynicism, complacency,  

Stress follows the discontentment as worry and uneasiness settle-in. Meanwhile, mental and physical health are compromised. More effort is required to keep a good perspective, peaceful and positive. The attitude of gratitude is effective in curtailing the fretting but sometimes takes longer to get to that place. 

Faith and Hope are great detractors of the darkness of the world. Grace surfaces from a soulful, spirit, out of sadness, grief, trauma, after, during the moment we are most in need of the divinity and blessing. Out of nowhere like a mighty warrior to light the darkness from places beyond most human understanding, above and beyond earth's boundaries from an unlimited, unconstrained place that is of peace, power and perfection, humble compassion-driven places of privilege. Our vulnerability is front and center when we seek shelter from life's storms. We look for and wish to connect to creators' creations since time untold, here and now from on high to the lowest places, the lost, richest, poorest we all long to connect to such graciousness.

Attaching myself to the idea of something to turn to when I am not sure of which direction to go, beyond what the eye can see but what the heart and soul can feel continues to prove over and over that keeping the faith is a rock-solid life-saving strategy, prayer and defense against a chaotic and unfair world.

To counterattack, appease, remedy, soothe, replace wrongdoing in the world means to cease the opportunity to lift the shroud of darkness whenever possible, in many situations at any time and any place. It is an ongoing summit of sorts; a cooperative based on our own willingness to offer a kind word or simple gesture of kindness and make life more livable. It is a no cost approach to contributing to the betterment of the world. To have the capacity to share our own gifts of faith and hope, joy and peace even as the darkness lurks around attempting to put out our light. Ain't it grand to realize we can share our light, our own preciousness our own peace and love. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter! πŸ•ŠπŸŒ·

May Blessings follow us and lead us into beautiful ways of blessing others. May memories of joyful gifts past and present be clear and make us better people.πŸ’› 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


We rescued eachother over twelve years ago. It was as much of an adjustment to get used to having the big brutus of a Boxer around as it is now to adjust to good dog not being here now. His soul and great spirit remains and visiting me the afternoon following his send-off in the morning at the veterinarians office. The painful decision stemmed from advancing heart failure that was making it more challenging for him to get comfortable and move.

In the dream I sit at the dining room table and look up to see Jax standing in front of the loveseat. I stand up and walk a few steps toward him to make sure he is really there. It is so vivid yet I think to myself, this is a dream. I walk to the other side of the couch and good boy moves over to where I sit so that I can love him-up with kisses and hugs about his beautiful furry face and head. The moment with Jax dissipated into my awaking from the nap was taking. It was as powerful and heaven sent message for me as the butterfly incidents following brother Mark's death in 1994.

It is so amazing how much our beloved pets mean to us, their presence enriches our lives. It is priceless therapy to know the warmth, love and trust of a pet who makes life so much more enjoyable and fun and full of surprises and joy. 

I miss you quite much, Jax, my guy, my hito, companion through Covid, the good days and bad, the wonderful times and worrisome occasions that turned-out better just having you around, so comforting with the innocence, humility and heart warming ways befitting an angel. πŸΎπŸ’”