Monday, August 28, 2006

Be Nice

Wouldn't it be nice if nobody ever felt unloved,slighted,mad,frustrated,overheated,cheated,overworked,underpaid,
mistreated,misjudged,abused,neglected,forgotten,disrespected,abandoned? Would it be nice?

If everybody was more about
RESPECT,Being Fair,peace,kindness,LOVE,compassion,
Wouldn't it be nice?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Little Shumn Shumn

One thought after the other, hopefully in a positive direction. Moving forward, feeling like blazing a trail, no regard or consideration for failure. Have at it, just do it and all that jazz. Make something happen, make something good happen.Make someone happy, recognize, acknowledge, accept, appreciate, care and more of the same.

Moving about looking for the next best thing... Of value, significant, interesting, insightful, funny, fascinating, ferocious, precious, bright, beautiful, brilliant, spiritual, sounds, sights, smells, tastes, all senses, sensations ready at the helm, watching and waiting on the ready alert.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Question Is


Where would we be without certain things in our lives? Where would we be without priceless things to enjoy and feel good about and take comfort in from this cruel, crazy, beautiful world?

Where would we be without the fluttering butterfly, so simple, splendid and majestic? Where would we be without singing birds? A candid choir of natural sound. Without our awesome pets, good friends and family who loves us, where would we be? Without the brilliant sun that shines radiantly from God’s eye, the feel of a gentle breeze as if from the sweet breath of an angel, where would we be?

Without sweet freedom, freewill, choices, awareness of goodness, kindness and Grace, compassion, respect and reverence for life, I ask you, where would we be?