Tuesday, December 01, 2020

HEYY! Hi!!

MOON! Over here! HEY, Looking good, great to see you! Your glow when the sun shines on you is such a wonderful thing. I am very grateful for your loyalty and friendship, Thank you for being there! I appreciate your quiet constant giant presence, beyond reach yet right there and always welcome. I like to think of you as a beautiful benevolent ball of light, a rising and falling astronomical entity barely there, often obscured from view, dim, bright brighter, brilliant. I am always happy to see you and feel the goodness created by that great glow in the dark, skylight of yours, it never gets old, nice and neat, no fuss no muss. From a slight sliver of light to a plump waxing happy moon, a stunning display of divine universal forces at work.  
*The remaining tree trunk and branches in the front yard look like the flailing arms of Zozobra (effegy/50' giant marionette, "Old Man Gloom") symbolic of burning down accumulated doom and gloom, the event kicks-off the annual Santa Fe Fiesta's.
Thank you again dear Moon for your perfectly orchestrated presence in earth's solar system so smooth accompanying us with your astute majestic swan dives, elegant and perfectly appointed with powerful potent energy and protective. 
You have a special place in my life. Please know I am eternally grateful to you, the light you share from the suns shine is a wonderous, mysterious, a marvel and blessing. "I like the way you move!" ☺♥

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Trick or Treat

Pick a hand, any hand, you will be dealt according to the 
luck of the draw and your choices, as the challenges of life play tricks on you along with accompanying treats. One adapts and modifies accordingly. Ideally, going with the flow rather than fighting the current, it makes for a smoother ride and more positive outcome to move along peacefully, not necessarily quietly but peacefully for sure. Treachery in people, leaders and teachers and others who may not have deserved our trust, become inspiration for change and courage to move in other more productive contributing ways. It is within our means to cultivate our own environment and desire the best for ourselves and others. Very simply, my prayer is for loving, harmonious days and nights, for everyone, everywhere.

When we think and speak from a peaceful place, the world seems to be much more approachable. When we are lost in doubt, fear, despair, worry, we create chaos for ourselves. Runaway thoughts and feelings only render confusion and overwhelm an otherwise peaceful moment. Worrying becomes a go-to familiar thing to do especially during stressful times. It seems as though we find things to fret over, when it is much more satisfying to recalibrate our thinking, switch gears to a calm cool pool of ideas that do not suck the life and liveliness out of you. 

Sounds easy enough yet the dark forces of the world lurk about with every intention to discourage the encouraged. Hate-filled elements seek to run interference with beautiful minds, hearts and souls. The ones living life the best way they can with what they have. It doesn't take much to treat oneself to a good thought, something cheerful that will sprout joy. Small inconsequential things for ourselves or someone else can transform something ugly into a wonderful thing. It feels fine and right to fortify, nurture and grow our own goodness. Kindness is so spectacularly simple and effective in changing the direction of things at any given moment. 

To treat myself right and others well is correct, looking though the lens of dark illusions, disillusioned, jaded, bitter about injustice, unfairness, goodness muddied trampled on and tainted heartlessness of people, aspects of life that seem too harsh and hateful to be real. May we remember the important and powerful holy spirit and soul that shelters us, in direct association with Love, the sweetest of treats, gifts, blessings, how loves power lights our way.  We have the sacred capacity to shine and share light with those whose light has dimmed or think they have no light left at all.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


From the moment we arrive we are connected to the world, by virtue of our own existence. No questions asked at first then a tsunami of inquiries arise. How, when, where, who, what will life hold. How will you survive, thrive, stay alive, when and where will you go, with who and when? We do not know but the basics. Sometimes and most importantly, within our own evolutionary trajectory, the dots finally connect. It may take a lifetime; or in flashes at various times in one’s life, consciously, unconsciously, worldwide, right in front of our face or unbeknownst to us in ways that only our hearts and souls understand and acknowledge.

The initial physical connection takes place from the beginning, if all goes well as newbies, we are taken care of, loved, nurtured, raised with love and taught to connect with good people, things, places, interests, good beliefs in general. Connections require constant corrections and transform into lessons learned, can involve opportunities ceased or squandered, run their course perhaps simply not meant to be or a must connection in some measure or degree. 

We connect with spirits, people and animals, plant and other wildlife too, constantly, mentally, emotionally, physically and on vibrational levels. From the slightest passing seemingly inconsequential glance, an impassioned gaze of wonder and awe or to hold for a moment in time. A coincidental brush of a shoulder, intentional reassuring touch or heart-pounding jubilant embrace, at any given moment connections are made. 
Connections are slight, transparent, may only last as long as a dream or connect our entire life holding potent rippling negative and positive effects. Connections are casual, strong, important, irrelevant, interesting, inspiring, necessary, offensive, insulting or sought after and determined by fate, our own design, possibly karma and answered prayers. 

We connect and disconnect in way’s to teach us something, clearly or obscured, of a redemptive quality, a chance to renew or discontinue accordingly. Connections are defined by our own needs, wants and wishes to connect to those elements meant for us. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Drive-up Window

It was a brief encounter, it left me feeling sad and hopeful God would bless the kid at the window who took my money and quiet prayers for her peace and comfort. I requested fries and a couple of green chile cheeseburgers. Please do not judge my lunch decision, this story is not about unhealthy food choices.

I drove up to the second window, happy about landing at the correct second window. The girls voice and eyes sounded like a teenager. She repeated my order, I signaled agreeably while feelings of guilt rushed in and out regarding ordering those filthy fries I hate to love. She didn't care what I ordered and waited patiently for me to hand her the money.
 As I organized the correct amount and went through the ashtray for the exact change, I asked her, how her day was going. She shook her head "Not good", behind her facemask I saw a smart, soulful, sad, brave, kind individual. I could not help but offer platitudes and blessings. "I am so sorry, hita". fighting back tears, glad she couldn't see me getting choked-up from behind my baby blue bandana facemask and sunglasses. I felt her suffering, but not to the depth I could see in her eyes, from having to put-up with disrespectful people. "You are doing great!". "People are very stressed-out these days. It still is not an excuse to be disrespectful, easier said than done, but try not to take the ill-mannered, rude behavior of others, personally". "Sometimes people confuse kindness for weakness and think it is OK to trample on nice people". "It is not OK, do not acquire a taste for it". She looks at me with what I perceive as, gratitude. As I drive forward, friendly whispers from Heaven say; "God Bless you, hita, stay beautiful".

I cannot adequately describe the bitter sweetness of the moment. With all my heart I lift her up and anyone needing blessings, respect, respite, peace and comfort. Yes, God Bless her, her work and presence at the drive-up window. It was a powerful prayerful exchange, rapid fire, full of goodness, God's Grace, a spiritual thing.

Sunday, April 05, 2020


It's been a while. I have missed you like a mother misses her child. I think about you often and hope you know how much I appreciate you in my life. We keep in touch by quick flashes of expression in other social media platforms, but I know it is not enough when you are here with open arms and an open heart on the ready to write it out. Thank you. I feel an indebtedness to the powerful resources you offer me as I look the other way. I pray, a sincere thoroughfare is being created at this very moment with these very words jumping on the surface of the screen onto this boxed set of thought and expression. I have missed your pliability and all the possibilities. I carry you around like an unopened big box of crayons waiting to be opened and used in the best way possible.

We exchange and share ideas with words and take them personally as if we own each letter that forms each thought and expression. Places words take us and bring us back to, with each personal custom made to order and fit our needs in a moments notice or without notice, like when one speaks before thinking which can cause problems, when you realize you should not have said something, after you say it.

Sincerest apologies for not connecting with you on a regular basis. It has been too long since we have sat together and complimented each other as nicely as we could. Moving forward and away from recent lack of posts into time to reflect on things, life, love, loss, light, darkness, doubt, despair, faith, hope, Grace.  I knew it would feel great to be in here with you again, I was right. Sigh. Thank you💗