Friday, September 30, 2011

Until Then!

See you next year SEPTEMBER- same time, same place. You are so dear to me, with so many birthday's in September among family and friends. Have you ever... for reasons only the depths of your heart and soul understand, felt suddenly compelled to laugh and cry- at the same time? It's a strange mix of emotions, when profound grief and elation strike you. It tugs on your heart strings, flips, tosses, twirls and whirls you around in a matter of seconds and before you even know what hit you; BAM! It's over and you wonder; What just happened?
September is like the last curtain call of the warm days of summer, hot one moment then crispy cold the next. As seasons change so do people, unwillingly, unknowingly, yet change does occur. We roll with the punches, however exuberantly or exhausted, we roll on, one day at a time, one moment, one experience, one heartache, side-splitting-hilarious, important, seemingly insignificant time after the other. That's life... was, is and will be. It matter's so much how we roll insofar as attitude goes. My dark moments seem to encompass a lackluster stream of consciousness while the good moments include positive thoughts as I beckon good vibrations and the presence of the Holy Spirit to find light in an otherwise dreary moment.
* SEPTEMBER, you have been good to me through the years, I hope you can say the same about me.

Here's a little number that I've always been attracted to, it sounds about like I feel right now.
Peace and Love 2U.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Peace and Love ~ my prayer, wish, hope and dream for you and me & all of humankind, the animals, every bit of this precious planet.  God Bless us now & eternally. ~ When I think of the morning of September 11, 2001 my heart aches for this world. This minuscule & at once magnificent tiny ball of one miracle after the other, that also includes hate, madness and cruelty. How to go about our existence peacefully and with respect at the forefront. Political and religious discourse seems to define history and can forecast the future. A host of factors determine one's quality of life no matter where on earth it is. That is when it is important to reflect on a little pearl of wisdom that goes; "There but for the grace of God go I".
One endures pain, suffering, injustice in one part of a village, city, state, country while only yards,  streets, rivers and bridges away- people live extravagantly, daily living as lush and luxurious as most can only imagine. Somewhere in the middle is where most want to be, in a comfortable, safe place. That is not asking too much, yet presents huge challenges and is not as simple as one would like it to be. At the end of the day it is a peaceful, quiet existence that people hope and work for but may or may not be equipped with the tools, skills, support, opportunities and resources to manage a descent way of life.
On September 11th, 2001,   I recall the confusion, disbelief, shock of watching breaking news reports and listening to radio broadcasts at work, describing, analyzing the horrific events that would knock the wind out of America and those who love the United States.
~ I think of the softer side of people, that dark day evoked. People seemed to appreciate one another more, to display a little more kindness and respect. An air of mystery lingered for several days as a humbler people emerged in neighborhoods, rural areas, metropolis' and inner city life. The trauma, all the tragedy incurred upon a nation once considered invincible, indestructible, the most powerful of all- blindsided by hostile, maniacal forces. A shift occurred, people left to discern what it's all about with more gratitude, less attitude, more humility, honor and compassion for one another.