Thursday, September 30, 2021


It was a good month, challenges, triumphs, tragic things occurring all around and make you wonder why. You wonder about people and how good and bad behavior is reasoned-out. We ponder life and our place in relation to it all. To seek, find and maintain peace within and outside of our own comfort zone is to evolve into better people, kinder, softer, smarter, more bright, bold, brazen and beautiful than ever. A worthy goal indeed, to bless and be blessed.

A special month, September, it means birthdays, smiles and tears about the bitter sweetness of what was, what is, birthday's together, the great day's we said hello and the sad day's we had to say goodbye. An absent brother in heaven probably does not lose track of time, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, the years, no accounting for nor squandering of time. It must be all new time management, timeless, no time at all no special dates to remember, no anniversaries, imagine that. 

Sounds interesting, new, exciting no um deadlines, no time constraints no chaos, it is peaceful, simple, nice, heavenly.