Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 30th, 2018

Two years since you've been gone Mom. You remain in my heart and soul, my memory bank withdraws memories very often. Though we exist in different configurations we exist none the less in a place that no one can describe completely, other than to say the feeling of your presence however measured, is real. I do not doubt that every little and large impression you made on me and others, remains alive as thoughts of you sweetens and becomes more cherished with the passing of time.
Your goodness prevails and moves forward with every heartbeat.

It is simple at once spectacular how the physically departed remain with us to the point that the joy, grief, disappointment, and life's daily up's and down's is shared with you even though you are not physically here. It is the order of the day to recall a simple moment and quite something to remember something that moves me to the point of tears filling me with a longing that lingers than evaporates into other recollections that make me happy and grateful that you nurtured me with your love and care and gave me a place in the world forever, to call home sweet home, where my heart and yours merge into a state of peace and comfort eternally.