Thursday, December 23, 2021

Pennies from Heaven


Dearly beloved Boxer dog, Jax, is great proof that heaven spills over on earth. The pets, pooches and pussy cats in life absolutely make life more livable, lovable and laughable. Not very chatty yet able to convey a love sublime, special, simple and unconditional. 

How wonderful to have a good dog around who is at once protective, playful, peaceful and precious the best kind of companion without fuss just happy to be there on the ready for a walk, a hug and kiss about the head and furry face. A faithful loyal presence as quiet as he is at times crazy, silly and super sweet, surely what God had in mind when best friends and the most cherished family members we will ever know, were created. Indeed, pets are like pennies and whispers from heaven. A powerful and sometimes prayerful presence equipped with wet kisses and warm bodies to cuddle with and keep you warm in the coldest, cruelest moments of our lives. I🤍Jax 🐾

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Our Lady of Guadalupe

My mother used to say something extra nice would happen to her on December 12th, The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. She expected it, looked and listened for something special and sure enough, good things, news, a little or big something would occur. Faith and hope sealed the deal to ensure Our Lady, would give a nod to such an ardent follower and devotee of the patron saint of The America's, a precious and powerful presence in my mother's life and prayers through the years.  🌹