Wednesday, September 30, 2020


From the moment we arrive we are connected to the world, by virtue of our own existence. No questions asked at first then a tsunami of inquiries arise. How, when, where, who, what will life hold. How will you survive, thrive, stay alive, when and where will you go, with who and when? We do not know but the basics. Sometimes and most importantly, within our own evolutionary trajectory, the dots finally connect. It may take a lifetime; or in flashes at various times in one’s life, consciously, unconsciously, worldwide, right in front of our face or unbeknownst to us in ways that only our hearts and souls understand and acknowledge.

The initial physical connection takes place from the beginning, if all goes well as newbies, we are taken care of, loved, nurtured, raised with love and taught to connect with good people, things, places, interests, good beliefs in general. Connections require constant corrections and transform into lessons learned, can involve opportunities ceased or squandered, run their course perhaps simply not meant to be or a must connection in some measure or degree. 

We connect with spirits, people and animals, plant and other wildlife too, constantly, mentally, emotionally, physically and on vibrational levels. From the slightest passing seemingly inconsequential glance, an impassioned gaze of wonder and awe or to hold for a moment in time. A coincidental brush of a shoulder, intentional reassuring touch or heart-pounding jubilant embrace, at any given moment connections are made. 
Connections are slight, transparent, may only last as long as a dream or connect our entire life holding potent rippling negative and positive effects. Connections are casual, strong, important, irrelevant, interesting, inspiring, necessary, offensive, insulting or sought after and determined by fate, our own design, possibly karma and answered prayers. 

We connect and disconnect in way’s to teach us something, clearly or obscured, of a redemptive quality, a chance to renew or discontinue accordingly. Connections are defined by our own needs, wants and wishes to connect to those elements meant for us.