Wednesday, February 28, 2024


We rescued eachother over twelve years ago. It was as much of an adjustment to get used to having the big brutus of a Boxer around as it is now to adjust to good dog not being here now. His soul and great spirit remains and visiting me the afternoon following his send-off in the morning at the veterinarians office. The painful decision stemmed from advancing heart failure that was making it more challenging for him to get comfortable and move.

In the dream I sit at the dining room table and look up to see Jax standing in front of the loveseat. I stand up and walk a few steps toward him to make sure he is really there. It is so vivid yet I think to myself, this is a dream. I walk to the other side of the couch and good boy moves over to where I sit so that I can love him-up with kisses and hugs about his beautiful furry face and head. The moment with Jax dissipated into my awaking from the nap was taking. It was as powerful and heaven sent message for me as the butterfly incidents following brother Mark's death in 1994.

It is so amazing how much our beloved pets mean to us, their presence enriches our lives. It is priceless therapy to know the warmth, love and trust of a pet who makes life so much more enjoyable and fun and full of surprises and joy. 

I miss you quite much, Jax, my guy, my hito, companion through Covid, the good days and bad, the wonderful times and worrisome occasions that turned-out better just having you around, so comforting with the innocence, humility and heart warming ways befitting an angel. πŸΎπŸ’”