Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Spiritual Dwelling

The business of death and dying is tricky business, death is tough on the emotions and involves core feelings, gut wrenching, reality-checking things. The finality of death can leave loved one's weary, winded, in shock, kind of numb and overwhelmed with grief.

Many fascinating aspects of death, the manner in which one die's, the age and other circumstances surrounding a death can have much bearing on the degree of mourning that takes place.

When the last breath of life is exhaled, the first breath in heaven, is inhaled- this is something I heard at a funaral years ago right around the time I most needed to hear it. It is an idea that I find very comforting, when there is a death that is close to me.
Mysteries prevail, as well as my faith in the presence of ultimate goodness, sacredness, life giving, spirit lifting perfection, a spiritual dwelling beyond human limitations and understanding.

Sunday, August 05, 2012


Champions are made of extraordinary things that separate them from those who dare not reach for the gold, nor aim for the highest, sharpest or most accurate mark, nor train, live and breathe to claim the fastest time, the furthest throw, the strongest lift, highest jump or most challenging personal best or world record.
It takes a courageous, bold and daring spirit, strong mind and body and true heart of a champion to reach the heights and depths known only to the one's who dare to think of themselves as capable of earning the spoils of the victor, the one who is driven, who strives, works, lives and dies by their own efforts, to achieve what rightly belongs to the champion.
Congratulations! to all of the competitors who;
win, place or draw- 
deserve all due respect and honor for showing the world how it's done!