Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Never in My Lifetime

I used to think, it would be mind blowing if a man or woman of color was ever voted into the office of the presidency? It was a remote possibility I thought, but never in my lifetime, much less my 83 year old, dear mothers lifetime. It is now a matter of reality. It is a fact that Barack Obama, born of multiracial parents, is now the 44th president of the United States. We look forward to "a new era of responsibility" in America, wanting to believe in positive CHANGE(S). HOPE has become a mantra for many when someone with a brand new voice and face, has the audacity to attempt this bold feat, to vigorously campaign day after day, month after month for this formidable position and postures one prominently, forever in history. In a time when the world is fraught with discourse, the future full of uncertainty and unfathomable challenges. People on an international scale, watch eagerly in anticipation of a new way out from underneath the clouds. Our newly inducted commander in chief has his work cut out for him and asks for help amongst it's citizens... solidarity, for country men and women to unite as the pressure to refresh and renew abounds. People from every walk of life, excited about the possibilities and potential opportunities to adapt and modify accordingly in this parched and anemic land starving for new and improved ways of living our lives with dignity, resources regenerated, poised for preservation with arms stretched across the waters, committed to rebuilding mutual respect in cooperation with others around the world. A new light cast upon several dark years, with only a bad memory and not much to show for the wear and tear.
What would you and I do if we were in charge of the safety and the quality of life for millions of people? How about we give this guy a chance to prove himself. How about we send good thoughts and prayers to President Obama... for this great nation to find in it's heart and soul, more respect in every direction, to ensure we are part of necessary changes, for a better place, a brighter horizon and a fresh, renewed faith in ourselves, in liberty and in justice for all.
Congratulations Mr. President! God speed. Here's to your imagination, big dreams and better ways and means of making life more livable for the old, sick, tired and huddled masses desperately seeking security in insecure times.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

WHEELS OF LIFE by Gino Vannelli

Life's wheels, thrills, chills continue like smoke rises, wafting-up and out, side ways, right side-up, upside-down. Full of twists, turns, bends, curves, spinning, spiraling on... round and round she goes and where she stops, nobody knows. Your breath is taken away as you inhale another day and nights worth. All the living, loving, hoping, praying, pleading for peace, for something to hold on to that makes sense in the middle of the senseless.

Like smoke, life too moves elegantly, gracefully yet forcefully, powerfully, lifting up, higher and higher as it goes... or perhaps unforgiving with jagged edges, roughly hewn, hazy, crazy, muddled, laden with messy, mucky-muck. Not so clear cut and dry as we would like. If we could only blow out troubles like a candle flame, with only wisps of smoke lingering lightly as the hurt of the aching heart fades away.

... and so it goes

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Moon Shine

Oh Alright, alright. I see you. I'm spellbound. I see you Magnificent One of the skies. Is that what you want to hear? OK, alright, there. I said it. Your beauty is undeniable, massive and bold as ever. You belong to us all, here and now, then and way back when. I assume you will be here long after I'm gone, well into the future... shining that big ol bright-eyed and perfectly round radiant smile of yours upon this planet, that counts on you, month after month, year after year, eagerly anticipating your marvelous, magical glow like a lover awaits it's love to cast that familiar, comforting light time and time again.

Monday, January 05, 2009

The Tree of Life

This story book-looking tree was sketched by a dear friend, artist, arborest, tender heart, athlete and rarity, Rhonda, sinewy, strong, serious guns ripped from daily grinding, grueling work as a superintendent of a golf course. You know the girls gotta work harder than the boys to prove she is capable, equipped to handle the strain of the physical demands. Of course she goes about her business like atlas holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, without complaint. While sitting around the kitchen table a few nights before Christmas, she takes pen to paper, scratches out this rendering of, what I'm sure is one of the trees she takes care of at her golf course. In a matter of minutes, the lines, scribbles, and strokes take shape and a tree comes to life on a piece of paper. As a doodler myself, I can appreciate inspiration, the juices are flowing, feathers in the imagination are flying, everything is feeling fine, the mood is right and like this illustration indicates so clearly, genius unfolds right before ones eyes. A brilliant bit of artistry, striking the surface of the paper with a whisk of the pen here, the tipping and tilting of the pens point there, rolling across the page, gliding from branch to branch, twigs begging to be drawn out, leaves unraveling, budding quietly, blooming with the exuberance of a forest coming to life after a Spring shower, sweet grass under foot. With every speck and drop of ink leading to the other... and Viola! A grand, magical, mystical, casually created, on the fly, meant only to occupy a restless hand attached to a beautiful mind wishing to share a glimmer of her life. Our doodler, artist, friend, also notes a toast offered to friends gathered; "Here's to Friends, Past, Present, Future!" We'll call this blog entry; "The Tree of Life," Shall we?

Today, I also wanna say;
My goodness, it's been a little while hasn't it? Howz life treating you? How you treating life? Jean Ortiz died unexpectedly early Saturday morning, December 27th, 2008. Jean will be remembered as a good woman. Salt of the earth, earnest, good hearted, humble, hard working. She liked to laugh and a smile was never too far from the surface of her face. With bent and arthritic hands she was masterful at creating beautiful afghans, quilts and various garments with her knitting and crocheting talents and equally as skilled as a great cook and baker. Jeans role as a good daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, friend was exemplary and will long be considered a great role model for those of us who would think of her and be reminded of how to keep things real, right, simple and true. She will be missed and thought of endearingly by many, far into the future. David Clayton Thomas and the 1960's/early 70's group, Spinning Wheel recorded; "And when I die and when I'm gone, they'll be one child born in this world to carry on, to carry on, to carry on." It happens that life goes on and on, the awareness of new life seems to be pronounce when there is a death close to you. Celebrations of new life are brought to light in the way of baby showers, birthday's, baptisms, christenings and such. Zanté, a friend of Jean's daughter, Julie, missed a baby shower in Las Cruces, due to wanting to go to Gallup to offer comfort and love to her friend who had just had the wind knocked out of her by her beloved mothers unexpected death. Then, exactly one week later I get a message from one of my big sister's, Marcie, letting me know my niece and God daughter, Elizabeth gave birth to Lukas. He's beautiful, healthy and now Lazaro's little brother.

Brace yourself fella, take a deep breath, fasten your seat belt... your in for the time of your life. In fact your in for the duration of your life. God be with you as you begin this journey out of your nine month stint with complete care, comfort and tenderness. The womb service you've grown accustomed to has run it's course. You've sprouted, grown out of your sheltered cocoon and can now become a beautiful butterfly who can flutter about seeking a life of love, laughter, so livable or lousy, lazy and languish away into an oblivion mess. Have at it and Welcome to the world baby boy!