I used to think, it would be mind blowing if a man or woman of color was ever voted into the office of the presidency? It was a remote possibility I thought, but never in my lifetime, much less my 83 year old, dear mothers lifetime. It is now a matter of reality. It is a fact that Barack Obama, born of multiracial parents, is now the 44
th president of the United States. We look forward to "a new era of responsibility" in America, wanting to believe in positive
CHANGE(S). HOPE has become a mantra for many when someone with a brand new voice and face, has the audacity to attempt this bold feat, to vigorously campaign day after day, month after month for this formidable position and postures one
prominently, forever in history. In a time when the world is fraught with discourse, the future full of uncertainty and unfathomable challenges. People on an international scale, watch eagerly in anticipation of a new way out from underneath the clouds. Our newly inducted commander in chief has his work cut out for him and asks for help amongst it's citizens... solidarity, for country men and women to unite as the pressure to refresh and renew abounds. People from every walk of life, excited about the possibilities and potential opportunities to adapt and modify accordingly in this parched and anemic land starving for new and improved ways of living our lives with dignity, resources regenerated, poised for preservation with arms stretched across the waters, committed to rebuilding mutual respect in cooperation with others around the world. A new light cast upon several dark years, with only a bad memory and not much to show for the wear and tear.

What would you and I do if we were in charge of the safety and the quality of life for millions of people? How about we give this guy a chance to prove himself. How about we send good thoughts and prayers to President Obama... for this great nation to find in it's heart and soul, more respect in every direction, to ensure we are part of necessary changes, for a better place, a brighter horizon and a fresh, renewed faith in ourselves, in liberty and in justice for all.
Congratulations Mr. President! God speed. Here's to your
imagination, big dreams and better ways and means of making life more livable for the old, sick, tired and huddled masses desperately seeking security in insecure times.
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