Today, I also wanna say;
My goodness, it's been a little while hasn't it? Howz life treating you? How you treating life? Jean Ortiz died unexpectedly early Saturday morning, December 27th, 2008. Jean will be remembered as a good woman. Salt of the earth, earnest, good hearted, humble, hard working. She liked to laugh and a smile was never too far from the surface of her face. With bent and arthritic hands she was masterful at creating beautiful afghans, quilts and various garments with her knitting and crocheting talents and equally as skilled as a great cook and baker. Jeans role as a good daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, friend was exemplary and will long be considered a great role model for those of us who would think of her and be reminded of how to keep things real, right, simple and true. She will be missed and thought of endearingly by many, far into the future. David Clayton Thomas and the 1960's/early 70's group, Spinning Wheel recorded; "And when I die and when I'm gone, they'll be one child born in this world to carry on, to carry on, to carry on." It happens that life goes on and on, the awareness of new life seems to be pronounce when there is a death close to you. Celebrations of new life are brought to light in the way of baby showers, birthday's, baptisms, christenings and such. Zanté, a friend of Jean's daughter, Julie, missed a baby shower in Las Cruces, due to wanting to go to Gallup to offer comfort and love to her friend who had just had the wind knocked out of her by her beloved mothers unexpected death. Then, exactly one week later I get a message from one of my big sister's, Marcie, letting me know my niece and God daughter, Elizabeth gave birth to Lukas. He's beautiful, healthy and now Lazaro's little brother.
Brace yourself fella, take a deep breath, fasten your seat belt... your in for the time of your life. In fact your in for the duration of your life. God be with you as you begin this journey out of your nine month stint with complete care, comfort and tenderness. The womb service you've grown accustomed to has run it's course. You've sprouted, grown out of your sheltered cocoon and can now become a beautiful butterfly who can flutter about seeking a life of love, laughter, so livable or lousy, lazy and languish away into an oblivion mess. Have at it and Welcome to the world baby boy!
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