Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dear Heart

What's going on in your world? I hope this message finds you well. I'm in the mood for retrospection, tanking-up on thoughts, slinging out some concepts and considerations.
What I mean to do this February 23, 2008 and favorite day of any month is just go ahead and throw out a few tid bits of this and that and ofcourse the other thing. Oh the mysteries and marvels, the sorrowful and luminous, the glorious and joyful. What's taking place as this heart and head of mine speak and say it like this:

In opening line of letter to my family, maybe it would read something like the following:

Dear Family,
Where do I start? How 'bout right here? You mean Genesis from the Bible "In the beginning" beginning? ...No, been meaning to put pen to paper, err ahh fingers to font and talk about everything and nothing at all with you, just you... In Henny Youngmen style- "And I wanna tell you"'s amazing how far we go back, Mom and us kids, we grew up together. How I love and respect you, how you bug me and how I have bugged you and often made you wonder about me as I have wondered about you. How I appreciate all the love and stories of our lives we share, only we can recall and think of endearingly or remember with regret. God Bless you my precious family. How I love you, how I love you.



I read, or heard somewhere something that caught my attention and got me to thinking, you know like a pearl we should pick-up and learn from or is it trample over never the wiser. It's about changing the course of life, a shifting that is taking place, for the good, for the better, a positive vibration. Undeniable. You know if we say so... so it is. Why, Who? Because WE need it, OUR sacred hearts and souls are anemic, bolemic and shriveling-up in search of goodness. How and Where? NOW, yes-Right. Subtle surges of goodness, a passion and quest for peace. Plain and not so simple, significant and necessary...humanity in need of humility, harmony, hope, healing.

Dear God,
You know that song; I just heard it for the first time, I loved it right away. It goes; "Make something beautiful out of all this suffering"...


Dear Mark, (Twin brother)
-Ah yes twins jolly good, totally___well mostly. As of late, have been made aware of more of your blue ribbon variety and specially built, fabricated and created; boy/girl combo twins. Very special indeed. Not everyone is a twin, but then again Everyone is not anyone else. I kind of get some kind of little twitch in my brain and belly when I think of the gut-wrenching laughs we shared, before, often during and after whatever tears or cheers, sad or happy movies, fears, triumphs or tribulations we experienced.

A classic case of right and left brain functioning and tendencies: We, us/our mutualities include music, sports, sass and good cheer. YOU with your favoring and forte in concrete thinking, logistics, statistics, math, architechture, history, geography. Me with my arts, letters, sight, sound, texture, abstract in thinking and problem solving.

A gyroscope and kalidascope of twiness, unique, unusual as we revved up our twin-engines, rattled cages and did it up pretty good in general.

How could I ever forget you.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Rare Earth

"I just want to celebrate another day of living,
I just want to celebrate another day of life"...
~ Rare Earth

For some scrumpdillyiscious and oh so lucious music ~
Tune in Saturday February 9th, 2008 at 2:00pm mst
to or in the Albuquerque/New Mexico area 89.9FM