So, we meet again?
Blame It On The Bossa Nova. It's entirely my pleasure, I'm sure. It's
a brand new day, a brand new way to strive and thrive, to thrust forward in the right direction with a good heart, armed with kindness, respect and all the choices and chances to start over, fresh and brand new all over again. Reflect and deflect defective darkness devoid of virtue, to have an effect, potent impact, to be or not to be better, or bitter, badder, blessed and a blessing. To propel one's self with the propulsion of a rocket and positive force to be reckoned with as
our perception creates our peace and place in the world.
The part of life that is lovely, light and lingers on in our memory rendering relief and respite...a soft reflection in hard times of loneliness or to recount a piece of life with regret, remorse or a wish and prayer that you could undo, redo or remain undisturbed, undaunted, unmoved by the pain of the present and past. There is a pull and push to steady the course, maintain balance in an unbalanced world. To be a rock when everything is rolling, to run when it would be easier to walk. To stay when you want to go. To go when you would love to stay. To hasten to a destination when you would rather drift along. Be still, calm and quiet when you are compelled to cry, rant and rave. Patience, peace, the divine purity and perfection placed in our very presence to protect us in the eye of the storm so we might emerge unscathed, sheltered and shinier through it all.
The magical, most memorable moments in time seem to zip past us at warp speed, begging to be savored, suspended in time, frozen long enough to take hold of your heart then float on to infinity. The luxury of pondering such things in a world drowning in doubt, dispair, indebted to so many for so much, depleted and dying for good loving, good living and, foot-stomping, side-splitting, lighting-fast bits of life we wish would last forever as the creamy and complete experiences leave you wanting more.
Good morning , good day, good after noon, good night, good God Bless us, then, now and forever, never forgetting the good, standing tall, stronger than your weakness and carry on with the heart of a lion and the brilliance of a bursting, blazing galaxy, stretching and streaking across the vastness, the monumental beauty in you, in us, in our midst, reminding ourselves with youthful exuberant purpose and intention to build a better home, a safe and happy place, a port in the storm when one is lost, afraid, in need of the warmth and comfort of words and ways to encourage hope, a better awareness and understanding of an unbelievably perfect, safe, peaceful, powerful place and time, accessible right here and now, to those who seek such miraculous nuggets of heaven. The prospects are exciting, exhilarating, at once excruciatingly overwhelming to imagine the possibilities. Relax, restart, at ease.
Go and come in peace and find a way toward or back to something or someone good, kind, right and real. Is it you, is it me all along like the answers found in some questions? Let go, no reaction to the action of shame, blame, judgement, torment, twisting what is good into distasteful and fictitious falsehoods. Time is wasted with self imposed burdens, bitter tears are shed yet washes you clean. Take comfort in time invested to smooth out the bumps and bruises, leaping above the lumps and lacerations of life, emerging like a champion with the ones you love and take with you forever, into a place we can only imagine, far beyond our wildest dreams.
The original entry today was inadvertently erased. I put together a few thoughts this afternoon, it was something out of the "slap my face and call me Willie" files. It shook me to the core, like a lighting bolt, shocking the sh*t out of me. I lost it with a tap of a button. To rewrite, reword verbatim, the inspired soliloquy is asking to much. I started writing about summer winding down and back to school time, then I heard Kid Rock sing
Amen ... I took a left turn and another go at it as someone laments, yet again, about life so laughable, lovable, deplorable, delightful, simple, tangled and true.
The tall and short of it...
I pray and love you into the future with pure intention to lighten your load, when it's heavy, to lift your spirit when it's not clear or cleaned for take-off. I bid you peace of mind and wish for hope, courage, commitment to keep your corner of the world and mine...smoother, softer, smarter, sweeter, healthier, standing upright, ultimately happier for the wear and tear of tears, cheers, triumphs and tragedies, by
The Rivers of Babylon.I bow my head to you and to
pilgrims everywhere; Viya con Dios mi preciosa amigas y amigos de mi corazon y alma!
To People Who Need People... aah that would be you and me.