As the day slowly comes to an end, the suns takes it's last bow and fades into the night. My big idea now and on a constant basis includes- Maintaining and striving for peace of mind, strength of body and spirit and a path guided by goodness. I find it more necessary everyday to stay calm and carry-on. If only it were that easy during the moments that catch us unaware and a bit off track, floundering in negative thinking. It is draining to harbor dark thoughts, thoughts that would make us feel inadequate, doubtful, full of despair. While it is a challenge to find balance in a lopsided situation, it is imperative to arrive at a peaceful place as soon as possible. It is worth the effort and reaps the benefit of happy living and healthier lifestyle. It is an equal opportunity way to roll with the punches, forgive, focus on people, places, things and thoughts that pave the way to the goodness I seek and pray for everyday. Good night good people!