Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Full/Fool of It

So, April Fools Day, April 1, 2009 huh? Well... puns a go-g0 & punz are us... As it happens the moon is not full-on tonight, you know not a fool moon. It is a waxing half moon. When I looked up a little while ago, it kind of called me to stay outside, to look straight up and bodda-bing-bodda-bang, up high, far away and just right there, accessible as a glance. Positioned out there, flying, floating, hovering over mi mundo muy preciosa (my precious world). A generous slice of half-moon pie served-up at dusk. The chilly air magnifies the hue's seen from here at this time and place. Icey blue, grey & white crackle like an old Kodak camera with the 110' flash-cube-looking, eye lid in the sky. It is a crystal clear view in all it's creamy brilliance, beautiful as if it was the first time I ever saw it.
Where was I? Yes, and we can be so fool of it, fool of one's self. Fool hearty or fool hardy or just plain farty? HAH!! Gotcha! April Fool's? OK, I'm feeling both, hearty and hardy. Fool on The Hill. Oh this is foolishness, Tom Foolery. I think I 'bout had my fill, Oh, make that; fool... but then it would read; "had my fool?" That won't work. I'm satisfied tho' and full. I delivered the fool, phul, Full Monty, full throttle...

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