Amazing, how many forms of communication there are; from smoke signals to code talkers, Morse code & telegrams to satellite transmissions & a long lost message in a bottle. Land line telephones, cell phones, radio waves, TV air waves, airmail, snail mail, Email, newsletters, flyer's, bulletins, billboards, postcards to posters & posers. The mode's of operation by which we communicate are vast. Sign language and other forms of nonverbal communication, verbally loud and clear or pantomimed, acted out, whether singing a lullaby or belting out an anthem. From surprise proposal's to letters & cards of sympathy or encouragement, congrats or birthday greetings, an ad in the sky, underwater sonar, walkie talkies to citizen band radios, it never ends.

Somewhere, somehow a connection is going on, whether telepathically, consciously, subconsciously or even unconsciously, seems like there is always somebody reaching out to someone or something. From pledging one's allegiance, waving a flag, fighting a war to preserve freedom or protesting for peace without violence. Blogging, writing, transcribing, to designing and using your own World Wide Website or Facebook, your place or My Space to texting, twittering, tattle tailing & twanging your guitar, banging on the drum to singing about your dreams, dancing with angels & wrestling with the wrong things..

Even the lonesome wolf howls at the night as planet earth and the heavens vibrate to it's own rhythm. The talking heads report the news- good, bad or indifferent as politico's, preachers & teachers, pundits of the pulpit & sales pitches scream for your business, cry babies carry on & wale
about anything~
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