So I went looking for you, I knew you were there cuz we saw you earlier at dusk.. besides how could I not feel you & see even a glimmer of you? I had to bolster myself as I stepped back to take a big eye and heart full of you. You great big beautiful phat hunk of round romantic consolation to mother earths darkness.
I looked-up so happy to see you out there in all your glory.. you.

My neck stretched to get a good direct eye to eye type connection with you. It was love at last sight and felt as if it was the first time I ever laid eyes on you. You had a different look to you from here, a distinctive ring of clouds surrounding you... a lunar halo. Phab-a-lus one!
YES. Oh scrumptious opulant being. You bold, bright, massive, heart stopping, take no prisinors puffy ping-pong ball! Once again I'm struck by your beautiful ways. My goodness you're a looker ~