Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sol ☼

Soul's stir, revolving, revolting out of darkness into the light.  There is a rhythm to the constant rotation of life like the sun that shimmers and shines, slides and slips into place with precision and purpose.  Winter and summer preform a special dance when the solstice escorts a new season in and out. A chance to switch gears takes place, a shift occurs as the sacred sun is left standing still momentarily out on the wide open ballroom dance floor, motionless. Then a reverse motion is made moving with a slow powerful thrust, out of this part of the world, onto it's next destination. The rising sun appears as a simple yet splendid spectacular sun and far out in the horizon once again the sun falls off the face of dear mother earth eager to make it's grand entrance again, only hours from now ☼

☼ What to say about the sun's  powerful presence?  The massive ball of fire is great and always the guest of honor among the all star cast of celestial characters in the solar system. The intense radiant heat aims it's mighty sunliness beaming with reckless and abandon.
Solar energy is harnessed and controlled, trapping what can be harvested from it's unforgiving ways, laser beams of heat emit a measured amount of  power. A serape of heat and source of brilliance drapes over the globe with life. The tidal waves of heat creates fantastically orchestrated
fire storms while taking it's place in existence. The power and energy of the sun seem limitless, infinite with staggering ability to breathe it's hot breath on the earth and all of it's inhabitant's. Plants, animals, all land and sea life seek it's warmth and light. ☼ Those off in the distant shores look forward to a long standing and welcome visitor, the new light of day. It will be robed in hope and the promise of returning tomorrow with more warmth, light and liveliness.

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