The evening from my corner of world is sweet, music is smooth and the breeze is gentle, curtains sway. AHH! Yeh, nice, the air is clearer tonight, slivers of gold light slice through the trees, birds sound happy and beautiful Boxer girl, Sunni Marie stands watch near by. It is good.

Hope you are good, comfortable, getting ready for something nice, feeling groovy. I hope you are content, that prayers are answered for you, according to your needs, you enjoy more goodness than not. I hope you are feeling good about something, anything or anyone. I pray your aches and pains are not as big as your health and happiness. I can not quite convey how very blessed I am for so many reasons. I pray you, your loved ones, and everyone, the forgotten ones, lost, lonely... somehow find comfort and peace of mind, what we all want and need the most.
God is good. I hold on tight to that. Believing in the divine. It is the best most fulfilling, flavorful, satisfying & refreshing thing to know and count on when nothing or no one else will do. Somebody say; "AMEN"! AMEN! AWOMAN! G'night~!