There is a place where it is all good and calm, clean, healthy of mind, body and spirit, secure, safe and beautiful. It is where love and peace dwell and all is well, where blessings are itemized, the inventory vast, constant miracles abound and whispers from heaven, common. With a keen sense of appreciation for countless blessings received I wrap humble gratitude around my heart like the warm glow of fire underneath the massive hearth.
I pray we access the sacred place of peace in the midst of doubt and despair. I wish the young and old, forgotten and forsaken, the mistreated and traumatized from all walks of life in every part of the world would find the peaceful, perfect powerful place they long for. For light in dark places where suffering and fear are no longer constant companions nor reality so harsh. I pray consolation overthrows what seems hopeless and joy hastens to diminish sorrow.
It's not all good and not quite clear as to why anguish, anger, greed, hate and oppression become main languages spoken. One person lives with chronic mental, emotional or physical pain while another lavishes in the pleasures of life. If only life were fair and provided equal distribution of love, compassion, happiness, where kindness and respect are the first and last order of the day and we realize every moment in between is an opportunity to make it all good.