Beautiful, big, broken, bent, bruised, full, swollen, bearing the brunt of whatever it is you are going through, getting over or feeling at any given moment, the heart takes it for the team. Every part of the whole is counting on the heart to beat in time with all matters of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual concerns. The inner chambers driven by strength and goodness as each dashing and dangling moment whether mundane, predictable, triumphant or tragic, the heart beats to the sound of it's own movements.
Beautiful, blue, big, bountiful, bright, overcast, angry, awesome, absent, hazy, dark and obscured the sky covers our lives like a massive dome that never closes even at night as the stars and the heavens sparkle from their places in the universe.

Words are like little puddles that turn into ponds and streams that turn into lakes and rivers and breathtaking oceans filled with every symbol and sound, letter, word, emotion and expression ever expressed. The mighty sea also swallows it's own salty tears with no words to convey what is beyond adequate description. A simple message reveals ignorance, intelligence, hopelessness and hope. The string of sentences as fine as a fishing line tangle and untangle, constantly changing direction and right on course navigating through the sea of thought, one word at a time.