Blogging is a lot like a blister on your writing hand that gets full of pus, full of words that need to be popped, ooze or gush out, splatter the lovely, loco, low-down, up-beat, beautiful, blessed thoughts that beg to be shared and secreted out as wild a metaphor as the actuality itself.
Communication with words is an experience as grand as it is subtle to be able to translate a thought from the mental holding place to a public or private platform, intimate or meant for many. Words facilitate the process of transcription and composition bending, molding, shaping, twisting and turning, conveying an idea or sentiment, the essence of language. The connection with words is precious, necessary and important, the ability to understand without words also part of and source of contact with humankind and other creatures as well.

My heart explodes with joy and sorrow and many times no words can fully express either emotion adequately. It is quite awesome to be able to put pen to paper, tap the keys on the keyboard that seem to glide on the screen. Your thoughts transform into something not quite tangible yet meaningful enough to evoke other thoughts and notions. Words are to the writer what the colors from the painters pallet contain as the blank page or screen dares you to create something out of nothing in a simple or spectacular way, blending words, mixing context and content with every stroke designed to explore a new hue, shade or shadow.
What a thrill, what a ride to write and read and express oneself! To right a wrong, sing a song, laugh or cry a little or a lot remains to be seen with every moment, to withhold withdraw or present with the exuberance and passion of an artist full of idea's or to refrain when words simply do not flow or come-out perhaps only by means of snippets posted in social media or quick communiques with people. The art of the spoken or written word while taken for granted remains available for our whim or epic volumes of story telling and lamentations in prose or other poetic style, there, here and now for the taking, receiving and interpreting, how wonderful. WORD!