What can you say about music that hasn't been said? From my point of view and from what I hear, music means so much to so many. It is taken personally as friend and a foe, a joy bringer and prompter of pain and energizer. With music an atmosphere is created, the mood is set, motivation on the ready. The emotional aspect of music brings one to tears as easily as the cheers, the quiet, calm memory to emotions of elation, excitation and exhilaration when it feels like your heart wants to jump out of your chest. Just as certain sad songs evoke sorrowful memories, longing, loneliness, the music, melody or lyrics recall the very moments of life we were living when the song came out. The stories told in song are powerful, poignant, corny and compelling as life itself. Lyrics dress-up the music to create such a compatible composition while the instruments add dimension and layers of texture to a song, throw in a great voice and magic takes place. Musical recordings are awesome gifts and a great companion through the years, an exciting place to go for quick sound bites or to take along on long road trips, to keep you company and facilitate inspiration.
Music is like a comforting blanket you wrap yourself in, you fill your head and your heart with the warmth of the sounds, the instruments and voice may be an irresistible chance encounter you hoped to get to know and remember forever. Music is like an old and new friend or member of the family, an entity, spirit, a thing that has always been there in good times and bad, the soundtrack of our own story plays on with a playlist that includes oldies, sentimental, festive, fancy, edgy, mellow and maniacal melodies. It's all there, the soulful, heart stopping, tear-jerking, dance-inducing, thought provoking, melodic, always laden with rhythm to get my attention.
I can not imagine a world without music even though there are times when my brain is on overload and does not know what to do with another note. The essence of music flows, softly or sternly bringing about overwhelming feelings, it can be too much as the sound saturates the air with a liquid type matter that makes me feel like I am drowning in it. The slightest sound of music can keep me awake or wake me up while a lullaby puts me to sleep, depending on the volume, the tune and if I am tired or not. Music is as reliable a relationship in my life as the moon, the sun and Holy Spirit. A matter of fact, emotional connection and partnership that I am happy to say; will always have a prominent place in my life.