The world spins on it's axis, twirling, gyrating, shaking, sick and tired, in sync with surroundings near and far away. Various energy, matter and the inexplicable do their part according to the grand known and mysterious scheme of things. Earth's inhabitants, yes fragile as a baby, resilient as the mighty sea while completely vulnerable to any number of calamities, infirmities, disabilities, tragedies, challenges and set-backs with broken battered sails, struggling to survive.
All of humankind aboard the same spacecraft gliding sliding slipping, suspended dangling without a net in a place that is not sure of itself, aware and unaware of the hazards humans have created. The volatile nature of humanity is clear, present and not new, the way life as lives are taken for granted, trampled-on, exploited and disrespected by those who continue to create problems, war, hate, greed reckless, unconcerned about others struggles, wants and needs. People get shaken-up, tossed aside as unimportant, without a prayer, no refuge nor peace, no love. The air is limited, stale with despair, doubt, fear filled with dark matter as evil forces try to sabotage us out of our own light suffocating the simple goodness found in the hearts and souls of earths precious inhabitants.
Life unfolds with or without our permission, ready or not, things come to a screeching halt out of nowhere life turns to a crying, dying den of carelessness, corrupt with selfish intent to dominate those with little to no voice. In the big picture one hopes for a fair, free, just and simple existence, not asking too much. Curious though how at some point people loose themselves with obsessive wants, needs, must haves at any cost. Happiness in contrast is sought, not always found in plain sight yet constantly waiting in the wings to rise and shine and rise again not far from the surface, priceless and best when everyone experiences happiness and joy. Meanwhile, respect facilitates a good life, peaceful and harmonious.
To live in a world that is led by love and respect is to be given a chance yet again to exist in a place of peace and send our love out to every single person in the world, to dispatch comfort, peace, respite to the weary, war torn and weather worn and somehow receive the intended powerful prayers, although simple the message is strong and able to lift the downhearted who have been put on hold or standing-by brought into light and love even as the world sometimes seems to spin out of control.