Funny how long I've been receiving and reading, learning and living;
God's Daily Promises, off the internet. Some of the messages leaving me breathless, talk about spellbound yet sometimes I rush through them to get to other Email. When I go back and quietly reflect, process, chew-up without haste, what I need to learn, it's a whole 'nother ballgame... then there are days when the message is perfectly clear from the get go.
Today one of those brilliant messages showed-up. In my limited scope, view and take on everything & anything...I had to reread several strands of those pearls over and over for it to sink in, but then KABOOOM! WO!W. The presence in my life, people through the ages refer to as God, Jesus Christ, The Rison Savior, Alla, Abba, Yahweh, Jahovah, The One, The Center, The Alpha and The Omega, The Holy Spirit, Life itself. before time and beyond, The Author and Finisher of Life, the list goes on? Him, he who walked and walks among men and women. Most humans probably couldn't handle the real story, to big for our puny brain capacity, maybe our head would explode or something if we could really grasp the awesome, mindbending dimension and specifications surrounding the presence of God.
G ender? nah... boy or girl, man or JCAO say's "does it matter"? The "sin" part, well thinking, doing, dying, behaving in an unbecoming manner, negative, counter productive, you know harmful, disrespectful, dark, thats no good, for me... Go God (pray). Beyond measure true and sure for me... the peace, power, perfection, place of priviledge where only love and peace reside, why yes don't mind if I do, assured that every little single simple or complex detail and logistic of my life is in God's hands.
In Santana's "Festival" there's a song in there that speaks to this belief, topic, principal...
"Reach Up, Keep on Reachin" The Beatles I beleive sing "
Whatever get's you through the night, alright, alright". I must say believing in something, someone (saints and angels among the mix) does get me through the night and samehow, someway beyond the blue, brown, red, purple and pink horizon, sounds right, true, good and like
hope to me ~