Oh that sumptuous, opulant moon. What a planet. What a view we take in from it's awesome aura as the slightest motion of it's mass moves one to reflect on what was, what is and what will be. That swollen orb, that compells us toward it's stratosphere transporting us to places we don't recognize, places that jolt us into behavior that is nontypical, places in the heart and head that stretch one's imagination and calls on you and me with the breath of an angel and the depth of infinity, the stunning sight sometimes too beautiful to look at directly, turn away and look again, gaze upon and stare at hypnotically. It's a full moon that can drive humankind mad with mayhem brewing in the caldran of the mind yet delights the heavens with delirium by it's silver, buttery radiance, miraculous, majestic...timeless. ¡Ay yi yi La Luna Llena! How sweet it is. •○
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