The moon is still there after all this time and so many years later, hovering, suspended in nothing, the cosmos, a galactic sea of space, storms, atmospheric phenomenon, prancing and dancing about draped in prisms, particles, dust, delight, sights, sounds, solar synchronicity moving at a seemingly symphonic pace, waltzing, gliding in slow motion toward unknown and unimagined places without a beginning or an end only to start all over again.
Still there, taking transient residence in the recesses of the mind. The rhythm of life responds simultaneously... subtle and stark as the heavens vibrate and whisper attempting to wreck havoc in our hearts and heads and create perfect harmony and bliss all at once. The ocean tides turn, currents twist, babies stir, animals pace, emergencies unravel, souls search and one way or another even the steadfast and calm are affected by it's mysterious, mercurial maneuvers in the sky high, far away leaving us forlorn, feeling forsaken and yearning for more.
Hey Auntie! How are you? I l happen to come across your website tonight by google searching Uncle Mark. I enjoyed reading your stream of consciousness stylings and observations. My favorites though are the Froggey story and the piece about old Duke stadium. You know how to convey the innocence and wonder of youth. I remember waking up in the morning and being able to prepare a tasty bowl of cereal and then go off and imagine some adventure in the amusement park of my back yard. You know how to tickle the nostalgia bone. I enjoyed seeing you the other day at grandma's party. I got a kick out of seeing you observe and smile at my kids. I miss you Auntie. Be sure to keep in touch.
Your nephew
AARON the Baron Abeyta-aka "The Pacer" What the...??? Talk about serindipity...you made my day mi hito, to hear from you. What a great way to set the tone for the rest of the day.
Yes, so glad you got a wild hair and thought to "Google" Uncle Mark. Please feel free to add anything to his Blog as well, perhaps something you remember about him when you were a kid hanging around Gramma's house? I'll be entering more stuff in there, myself, soon.
Your children are a precious reflection of you and Gloria and always put a smile on my face when I have the pleasure of seeing them.
Olivia stole my heart from the beginning... wish she were sold on her Auntie Mary as well, but I'm just too much for her. I get that sometime. Michael Baptista aka-"Michael Bow" I melted to see him wearing his cape with such conviction, so matter of fact. Was he Superman, Batman or Spidey? In any case, he wore that cape like he meant it. Ah, the magic of youthful innocence!
Your youthful imagination was also beautiful and filled with fantastic, childhood wonder, plus you were rowdy, raucus and great fun. Thankfully you and Joey have grown into great adult men with families and still a blast to be around. You and Joey definately delivered your off the beaten path, brand of humor, exceptional good home spun cheer, wit and cracked-wise just like I was needing to feel and hear from you fellas.
When I think of you I feel blessed for having such a fine nephew as you in my cache of treasures. Between you and your brother, Joey, my life has been so enhanced with fun,surprises and big LOVE. Ofcourse Elizabeth too but she was always happy to be a subjective observer in the whole scheme of things where you and Joey are concerned. Poor Liz, she grew-up with a couple of super gnarly brothers and had to learn to fend for herself early on with you guys.
Drop by anytime "Aarogee" I love you dearly and am so happy to hear from you in this here bloggity-blog.
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