Monday, December 15, 2008

Gibbous Moon

The moon popped up the other cloudy night. It looked like the illustration posted here. =>
Turns out it was on it's way to being full, you know like a full-figured individual. It was a roly-poly moon. The technical term is Gibbous moon. I get a kick out of being reminded of or taught something interesting. It's satisfying to learn one more thing, knowing all the while there remains a vast amount more to discover, explore, figure-out, discern, learn about and soak-up, like what a gibbous moon is. It waxes, grows everyday, gets bigger, shinier, fuller, like brand new love riding a massive, unstoppable wave in contrast to a waning moon that gets smaller daily, nightly like a cowboy who rides off in no hurry, into the sunset.

Ooh, the moon, what is this love affair I have with the moon? It's been going on for a long, long time. Ever since I can remember in fact, my heart wants to jump out of my chest at the sight of it's radiance. I can see, ever so gently, the aura emitted by this show-stopping planet, the soft distinctive glow is evident even during the day. That's right, I can, I do see it's soft, sweet translucent light intent on blanketing the atmosphere with the slightest, most delicate touch in all it's unusual yet familiar illumination. So perfect, persistant, a constant in my life with that fabulous bright-eyed look on it's face, a reflection of the sun as it showers it's light and shine.

Wow! What's not to love? What's not to be drawn to, delight in? With it's magnificence and undeniable presence since way beyond the past... a power to affect the earths ocean tides and currents. To those who can not resist nor deny the strength and influence... a particular restlessness is elicited among such earth's inhabitants, spurring unspeakable despair with it's mad, malevolent vibes frequently aimed at the world. This astronomical crown jewel in the heavens, what you do to me, to us through the you offer spiritual enlightenment, provoking profound thoughts, perplexing, mysterious, mind boggling as any matter that prompts one to wonder about, and ponder often.

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