< Nov 30 - So anyway, the way I remember it; Off in the wild blue and benevalent yonder, the constellatory strata from where I watch and wonder, the cool wintery air and sky dome transforms into powdery white, gray, black and blues. The crescent moon off in the low lying distant horizon, suspended in mid air like a trapese artist swinging, swaying with the greatest of ease. The other near by airialist anxiously awaiting their turn at the show. First the one, the only, the oppulant, valuptious, brilliant, bright glowing Goddess of love and beauty, Venus, to the upper left side of the thin moon. Also eager to be noticed, in close proximity, the big daddy of the skies and king of Roman Gods, Jupitar, almost as shiny and shimmery as the large and lovely, Venus. It is a conjunction made in heaven. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages...I give you; "The Greatest Show, off Earth!"
And if the one night of this heavenly hullabaloo wasn't enough... low and behold, the next evening finds another distant display

of magic and brain bending brilliance in the sky. Of course it is earths perspective that makes this starry triad appear so close to one another. The svelt moon and ring master this Monday, the first night of December wears a frown as the magnificant starry stage is set, the cosmic characters take their places among the rest of the cast members, in their major and minor roles, assigned to all sides of the moon. All galactic entities within viewing range - the captive audience, stops to take in the aswesome twilight show as the night slowly closes in on another day. - Dec. 1 >
The moving moon went up the sky And no where did abide
Softly she was going up, And a star or two beside
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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