5/10/2009 You live and let live. Love and if your lucky... be loved. You give and not always get... going about your life. Then out of no where, without warning and sometime very much forewarned, things go south, calamity ensues, the pavement stops in the middle of a perfectly good road. What was once a smooth ride takes an unplanned turn, jagged and razor sharp, turbulent as a bolt of lightening cracking, out of no where. What to do, say, think? How do you react? Where do you start? When does it end? Who will understand?
It's matters a great deal that you
move. Make a move, massive or minute, subtle as a dew drop, small as a flea or big as a John Deere earth-mover ploughing through a huge hill of fresh dirt... purposeful, poised for perhaps the fight of your life, braced and equipped with an appropriate plan, necessary tools on the ready, measures taken to bear your burden, handle and empty the liquid heat from thc crucible accordingly.
You are on your way to yet another victory, another summit conquered, the challenge met. You look back better or worse for the wear and tear, not completlely certain you did everything you could? Did you leave too much dust behind or know without a doubt that, some how... goodness remains in your wake. It's done, another obstacle overcome until the next one comes along.