The impact you made in my life is great. The indelible impression you leave me with is of substance and form. Yes, of course I remember you... the goodness, the merry making, fun-loving, grins & giggles, playing, working side x side, getting through the day in/day out, the longest nights, bone chilling mornings, dog-day afternoo

ns, reality bites, blistering lessons learned, bumps & bruises along the way... Yup, we sure did go through this & that good time, bad moods that got ugly & too beautiful for words- experience's, the best & worst of times, blasts of bitterness, remorse, redemption... and repeat. So many moments linger on and on in my memory banks... words & deeds said & done in haste, with hardened hearts... that softened quickly and thawed even quicker with forgiveness... the holding on to the love and respect and letting the bullsh*t go.
Yeah, I remember you well, the memories that make me glad we were ever part of each other's lives. How very important you are to me still. I tell you sincerely; you raised the bar, took it all to another level and played a major role in my big picture.
~ I think of you endearingly, with a respect and admiration that can not be measured. Know that you have a standing reservation in the sacred place in my heart and mind, where only love and peace reside. I'll leave the light on for you dear one, forever ~
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