Sleep in heavenly peace precious pet, daughter dog, fantastic member of the family ~
Tumors growing quickly in her lungs caused her breathing to become increasingly labored. She was noble, strong, sweet, loving and beautiful through her last soft beath. She went peacefully and was surrounded by her people who are humbled, honored, blessed and better people because of her.
Everyone should die in such a calm, quiet manner. How to say goodbye and when? It never feels right, never easy, never a perfect moment, until it is upon you. The sad goodbye's in life leave you feeling bewildered, heartsick, lonely for the life that came into yours. The finality is razor sharp when reality takes it's ravenous bite out of you.
You start hearing familiar little sounds as you walk into an empty house devoid of that loving, simple, exuberance and kind presence. To say we miss Sunni Marie is to understate the importance of one who seemed to live for her people's sake. What a great spirit who will be remembered so endearingly. Yes, that little girl will be missed and mentioned often. Sunni Marie Jack Paz Guadalupita, you will remain alive and well in our hearts and souls you crazy wonderful Sundog!