To say goodbye to someone you have known forever, someone who was a permanent fixture in your life even if there were years you saw each other almost never... it is a time when one reflects on the goodness, the love, respect, admiration and stories about the life that passes on to another realm. The transition is sad but sacred as faith indicates after life on earth the spirit thrives in a perfectly peaceful place of existence.
The connection transcends time and space as the love is not diminished but remains in tact and in a state of grace, as if the connection is strengthened with the awareness that we now have greater access to the heavenly elements, powerful, unrecognizable to the human eye but felt with the heart and soul, spiritual connections we can not even fathom yet reveal themselves to us by way of abounding quiet and not so quiet blessings.
And so we say our sad goodbyes to prima Marian Romero, good woman, salt of the earth with a big heart and generous nature, funny, sassy and a safe place for me to land when I was bouncing off the wall with youthful exuberance and mom allowed me to hang out with. We were good paleez.
Love you Marian, rest in peace.