One word, three syllables; PERSPECTIVE, a way of looking at anything. It is a slippery slope, the spins, twists and turns can rattle your cage float your boat and get your goat. Your Point Of View can make or break any given moment, any given experience like the weather effects the day and a chronic physical, mental or spiritual pain clouds your thinking. My view point can piss me off, make me feel uneasy OR at ease and content, pleased to the point of blissful abandon and feel like everything is alright in the world.
What is happening, might happen or has happened is not always clear as to the why's and wherefores, the unfair nature of things, full of unwanted anguish when harsh reality breathes down your neck like an angry open wound OR the particular moment feels right perhaps holy, happy as can be and complete. Attitude accompanies the Point Of View and is worn like a freshly laundered garment, pressed and well taken care of, or scanty, weather beaten and threadbare to the bone. From the beginning, right in the middle or in the end. Each thought whether prayerful, excellent, pleasant, super cool, creative, painful, pathetic, crazy, cold or luke warm, it flows in and out, ergo, our stream of consciousness, which does not necessarily include a Point Of View whatsoever.
One's Point of View is Perception's twin that paints the past, present and future picture. Perhaps this or that is a waste of time and effort, pointless OR seen as magically delicious, delightful, sweet and satisfying. It, Life is largely based on our own design, our own Point Of View while simply thinking, reflecting, meditating, existing. Yes, living, breathing taking it all in one minute, one miserable, magnificent, melancholy, miraculous minute and thought at a time, constant as a heart beat. When we are inclined to size-up a situation, if and how it effects us, good or bad, right or wrong; The Point Of View is determined by times of our lives with swatches of multi-textured fabric that wrap around our unique perspectives, varied and diverse, rich, mysterious and simple as a rain drop, snow flake, falling leave and whisper in the breeze.
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