Do it or Don't do it. To Do List's, the Do's and Don’ts, Do this,
that or the other thing. To Do or Not to Do. To be or not to be. You
ask a question not expecting a satisfying answer but still you
ask; "What's next?" "What do you do, how and when do
you know and for whom, where and why exactly?”
There is a risk in remaining true to yourself if you are different, you set yourself up for harsh judgement; just being you presents the chance of misunderstandings mistaken as insignificant, unworthy of respect. One wonders how in the world things happen, are said or done to interfere with appreciating the importance and unique nature of each person. Corrosive factors inhibit the heart from thriving in pure lavish light while the soul continues its quest for simple elegant quiet, peace. Just Be, I’ll be me while you are busy being you.

It requires extra effort for healthy perspective when what you want to do and where you find yourself,
are not in sync. The desire for doing something different and being
somewhere else evokes a longing, a restlessness to go beyond the
moment, to imagine the possibilities of everything in every second,
each experience and spoken or written word drenched with the potential
of creating something positive, negative or neutral. Creative juices flow, brainwaves rush to the shore of expression or
become dormant, lost in a wasteland of good ideas and inspiring
heart-felt thoughts. The capability to encourage one another and fine-tune our own lives, to cultivate goodness or stunt it is ours.
do well then to simply; Be, I'll be me, you be you scooby-doobee-super-doobee you, living peacefully ever after ~
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