If we could look inside all the tender hearts so bent, bruised and broken... if we could somehow figure-out a way to correct, perhaps recircuit the billions of corrupt & brittle brainwaves humans have to try to function with due to being mistreated for too long a time, then maybe all of humankind malnutritioned for respect, recognition and a place to retreat to would be once and for all, upright, stand tall and better equipped to face the world, get on with life and all it's challenges... with a peaceful heart, uncluttered by darkness and despair.
It's all relative I suppose. So simple it's stupid. It goes back to or is it reaches up to the heights and heavens of our potential as part of the tree of life that is the human species. With our ability to reason, to love, to show compassion how far, fast and hard does one have to fall, how long can we wallow in the dregs of existence before we get it right? It is not too late to make necessary adjustments to our own attitude.
One kind gesture at a time, a speck more pause before flying off the handle with someone, something, a situation that will pass one way or another. It takes the heart of a lion and the patience of a nursing lamb to get a hold of yourself, settle down, see the light of day before blindly jumping into the blackness of our instincts but it is doable, most desirable and deserves much more attention than the offensiveness that we humans have gotten too comfortable with and seem to be acquiring more of a tolerance for. It is within our scope to make individual as well as collective changes. As fast as a heart beat, as quickly as the eye blinks... one moment, one word or simple act of kindness at a time. With our amazing capacity to create or recreate a gentle, uplifting, life changing shift for the better, in a positive right-side-up, inside out way.

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