What can you say about music that hasn't been said? From my point of view and from what I hear, music means so much to so many. It is taken personally as friend and a foe, a joy bringer and prompter of pain and energizer. With music an atmosphere is created, the mood is set, motivation on the ready. The emotional aspect of music brings one to tears as easily as the cheers, the quiet, calm memory to emotions of elation, excitation and exhilaration when it feels like your heart wants to jump out of your chest. Just as certain sad songs evoke sorrowful memories, longing, loneliness, the music, melody or lyrics recall the very moments of life we were living when the song came out. The stories told in song are powerful, poignant, corny and compelling as life itself. Lyrics dress-up the music to create such a compatible composition while the instruments add dimension and layers of texture to a song, throw in a great voice and magic takes place. Musical recordings are awesome gifts and a great companion through the years, an exciting place to go for quick sound bites or to take along on long road trips, to keep you company and facilitate inspiration.
Music is like a comforting blanket you wrap yourself in, you fill your head and your heart with the warmth of the sounds, the instruments and voice may be an irresistible chance encounter you hoped to get to know and remember forever. Music is like an old and new friend or member of the family, an entity, spirit, a thing that has always been there in good times and bad, the soundtrack of our own story plays on with a playlist that includes oldies, sentimental, festive, fancy, edgy, mellow and maniacal melodies. It's all there, the soulful, heart stopping, tear-jerking, dance-inducing, thought provoking, melodic, always laden with rhythm to get my attention.
I can not imagine a world without music even though there are times when my brain is on overload and does not know what to do with another note. The essence of music flows, softly or sternly bringing about overwhelming feelings, it can be too much as the sound saturates the air with a liquid type matter that makes me feel like I am drowning in it. The slightest sound of music can keep me awake or wake me up while a lullaby puts me to sleep, depending on the volume, the tune and if I am tired or not. Music is as reliable a relationship in my life as the moon, the sun and Holy Spirit. A matter of fact, emotional connection and partnership that I am happy to say; will always have a prominent place in my life.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Search and Rescue
To seek and find, search and rescue as first responders of the planet, of the universe, of your corner of the world, rise! Rise, and shine like the beautiful life savers, you are. The one's on two legs, one or four! Know you are life's knights, mighty and gallant! Your gestures are perfectly timed for the one most in need of your presence like a masterful symphony with wisdom, courage, compassion, light, love, strength, laughter as the principal players of the grandest orchestra. The overcomers of darkness who whether they realize it or not, have put out the littlest campfire to raging out of control full-on fires, helped someone breathe better, somehow put into the position to lift-up another physically, emotionally, spiritually, you freed a captor of something maybe even him or herself. The awesome privilege of making life more livable, lovable and bearable, the greatest gifts known to earthbound inhabitants. OMG! The privilege to be a part of heavens grand scheme of things because of your presence making a minuscule or massive difference when you could. To search for and rescue who, what, when and where you could, you stood-up to the assignment and met and will meet the challenge of risking your own safety or peace, health or happiness.
The moment angelic forces move is the moment life defines itself as a living breathing presence, entity, thing, place creature, the whole enchilada, entire pie a place in time and space as mysterious as the miracles that sustain it's sacred, scared, scorched, sad, magnificent, full, aching,round beautiful body.
From the beginning we are led by traces of sunlight and evenings sweetly-lit by the moon. We come from each other, we are every age we've ever been with the capacity to recall the most fleeting moment, terrifying or fantastic that left us speechless and humble that we lived though something so overwhelming.
The memory bank inherently grateful for certain experiences that can only be described as breath taking miracles. The very fact of our existence and wondrous nature of every blessed thing taking place simultaneously, individually, in sync or out of but still by happenstance or at the precise moment, no one saw coming. Turns out each one of us is part of the Search and Rescue squad. *How cool is that!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Beautiful Companion
How grateful I am for you in my life. THANK YOU for being the perfect creature you are, for your faithful companionship, your trust in me and the unconditional love you bless me with. I appreciate you so much and would be very sad without you. The joy you have brought into my life and continue to bring is as bright and beautiful as the sunniest day known to the world.

No judgement ever, only what feels like pure love and loyalty defined. You give meaning to the whole point of having and caring for a pet. "A pet" seems like a mere word with only the slightest description of what you truly mean; which is an awesome being who blesses me everyday with your sweet, unassuming ways. To look into your precious eyes is like looking into a little bit of heaven where all creatures big, little, furry or bald, wet, wild, tame, domesticated and feral go when their lives are done here on earth. Your unpretentiousness has been a guiding light for me and a constant reminder to simply be true to myself taking one step at a time, one sip of water, one bite of food, one kiss, hug, bark, walk, run, nap, moment of fun at a time. My beautiful companion how very precious you are.

Your quiet, simple presence fills me with comfort and peace just as your humble heart and soul settles my storms. Even while you yourself are afraid of thunder and lightening we stay close to protect each other as I repeat to you; "It's OK, it's OK". We manage to see each other through the chaotic moments that seem bigger than both of us. I take refuge in you dear dog. Time and time again you come around like a ship looking for the lighthouse to light your way. Don't you know it's you who lights my path just as all furry angels on four legs will do.
No judgement ever, only what feels like pure love and loyalty defined. You give meaning to the whole point of having and caring for a pet. "A pet" seems like a mere word with only the slightest description of what you truly mean; which is an awesome being who blesses me everyday with your sweet, unassuming ways. To look into your precious eyes is like looking into a little bit of heaven where all creatures big, little, furry or bald, wet, wild, tame, domesticated and feral go when their lives are done here on earth. Your unpretentiousness has been a guiding light for me and a constant reminder to simply be true to myself taking one step at a time, one sip of water, one bite of food, one kiss, hug, bark, walk, run, nap, moment of fun at a time. My beautiful companion how very precious you are.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
As far back as she can remember the feeling that she did not belong accompanied her. It was a lingering shadow of a thought that always seemed to be there but what else could she do but make the best of things since the knowledge and means of transporting, transcending and going to another place or time seemed out of reach, yet considered as consistently as the as the sun rises and fades resting in a restless state of being. What can one do when one feels out of place. An unsettled chord follows her still, strumming along sustaining a subtle yet significant note of longing, to wander in this direction or that, not exactly knowing where, how or when.
Curiosity combined with the vast mysteries of life, prevail in a world that has become almost desensitized with a nonchalant attitude toward everything, the good, bad, sad and amazing. The unknown and unfinished make for a resilient resolve ready to take it all on, the darkness as well as the wonderful, the bright, soft and sacred light, every blessed bit of it.
Time after time surprise encounters pleasant and unpleasant experiences and circumstances render sadness, disappointment and shock while joy, delight, exhilaration and eager anticipation make way for the journey ahead with every little stride and giant enthusiastic step forward. The terrifying twists and tantalizing turns are approached with caution and strong open arms and a tender sensitive heart. Meanwhile all the dreams and drama are part and parcel of the aging body and evolving mind and soul. Adaptations and modifications withstanding she is able to move on to the next perplexed or placid place, appointed and anointed by creation.
The imagination struggles to restrain and stay within the realm of rationality and reality. All the while melancholy flutters like the butterfly caught-up in a sudden burst of commotion, from a gentle breeze to gale force winds that prompt yet again the desire to drift away from the confines and security of predictability. The longing comes and goes through the years and brings her back to a solid state and calm condition navigating through with unshakable faith and hope in the goodness of people and places that make life livable and lovable. It is a life carved out of countless challenges and bountiful blessings, a life equipped with necessary components including a unique blend of form and function. The proverbial bird of different colors with a deep sense of empathy and compassion, imaginative and creative. She is on the ready to share and welcomes love, joy, peace and respect extracted and emitted out of lessons learned from life. Every single ache and pain as well as the seemingly bland yet beautiful, breathtaking moments.
When all is said and done one does well to simply get on with the business of life moving forward with top shelf expressions of humanity, for her own good and peace of mind. She is deserving and worthy of the best that life affords. Whether drifting far away at any given moment, tripping the light fantastic or keeping it simple in the middle or on the edge of it all gazing out into the horizon looking through the lens of wanderlust, she keeps the faith through it all.
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Blogging is a lot like a blister on your writing hand that gets full of pus, full of words that need to be popped, ooze or gush out, splatter the lovely, loco, low-down, up-beat, beautiful, blessed thoughts that beg to be shared and secreted out as wild a metaphor as the actuality itself.
Communication with words is an experience as grand as it is subtle to be able to translate a thought from the mental holding place to a public or private platform, intimate or meant for many. Words facilitate the process of transcription and composition bending, molding, shaping, twisting and turning, conveying an idea or sentiment, the essence of language. The connection with words is precious, necessary and important, the ability to understand without words also part of and source of contact with humankind and other creatures as well.

My heart explodes with joy and sorrow and many times no words can fully express either emotion adequately. It is quite awesome to be able to put pen to paper, tap the keys on the keyboard that seem to glide on the screen. Your thoughts transform into something not quite tangible yet meaningful enough to evoke other thoughts and notions. Words are to the writer what the colors from the painters pallet contain as the blank page or screen dares you to create something out of nothing in a simple or spectacular way, blending words, mixing context and content with every stroke designed to explore a new hue, shade or shadow.
What a thrill, what a ride to write and read and express oneself! To right a wrong, sing a song, laugh or cry a little or a lot remains to be seen with every moment, to withhold withdraw or present with the exuberance and passion of an artist full of idea's or to refrain when words simply do not flow or come-out perhaps only by means of snippets posted in social media or quick communiques with people. The art of the spoken or written word while taken for granted remains available for our whim or epic volumes of story telling and lamentations in prose or other poetic style, there, here and now for the taking, receiving and interpreting, how wonderful. WORD!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Full Moon Easter Eve 2018
More than anything I want to thank you for being there for your lovely light the shadows you
cast in the night render a calm and peaceful feeling from what I can tell. I am grateful for your presence in my life after all these years like a loyal friend, comforting and reliable.
Thank you for the way you look at me so peacefully and soothing, reassuring with the strength of the sun. I believe we will remain connected quietly, stoically, definitively forever. Even when the clouds obscure the view I know you are there like a faithful companion somewhere in the wings.
You cross the sky so gracefully while emitting the light of a thousand stars. The ultimate dance of the Cosmo's, consistent, amazing and miraculously choreographed. Time and space, matter, as brilliant as barely there, weather seen or unseen through the ages bearing witness to every drop of joy and pain, the best and worst behavior of earths inhabitants. A divine presence that extends beyond complete understanding yet studied and watched, anticipated through the ages with the eagerness of a child waiting for a gift. I welcome you with an open heart and soul with enthusiastic appreciation, mindful and willing to participate in the gifts you offer to us all.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
January 30th, 2018
Two years since you've been gone Mom. You remain in my heart and soul, my memory bank withdraws memories very often. Though we exist in different configurations we exist none the less in a place that no one can describe completely, other than to say the feeling of your presence however measured, is real. I do not doubt that every little and large impression you made on me and others, remains alive as thoughts of you sweetens and becomes more cherished with the passing of time.
Your goodness prevails and moves forward with every heartbeat.
It is simple at once spectacular how the physically departed remain with us to the point that the joy, grief, disappointment, and life's daily up's and down's is shared with you even though you are not physically here. It is the order of the day to recall a simple moment and quite something to remember something that moves me to the point of tears filling me with a longing that lingers than evaporates into other recollections that make me happy and grateful that you nurtured me with your love and care and gave me a place in the world forever, to call home sweet home, where my heart and yours merge into a state of peace and comfort eternally.
Your goodness prevails and moves forward with every heartbeat.
It is simple at once spectacular how the physically departed remain with us to the point that the joy, grief, disappointment, and life's daily up's and down's is shared with you even though you are not physically here. It is the order of the day to recall a simple moment and quite something to remember something that moves me to the point of tears filling me with a longing that lingers than evaporates into other recollections that make me happy and grateful that you nurtured me with your love and care and gave me a place in the world forever, to call home sweet home, where my heart and yours merge into a state of peace and comfort eternally.
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