Your quiet, simple presence fills me with comfort and peace just as your humble heart and soul settles my storms. Even while you yourself are afraid of thunder and lightening we stay close to protect each other as I repeat to you; "It's OK, it's OK". We manage to see each other through the chaotic moments that seem bigger than both of us. I take refuge in you dear dog. Time and time again you come around like a ship looking for the lighthouse to light your way. Don't you know it's you who lights my path just as all furry angels on four legs will do.
No judgement ever, only what feels like pure love and loyalty defined. You give meaning to the whole point of having and caring for a pet. "A pet" seems like a mere word with only the slightest description of what you truly mean; which is an awesome being who blesses me everyday with your sweet, unassuming ways. To look into your precious eyes is like looking into a little bit of heaven where all creatures big, little, furry or bald, wet, wild, tame, domesticated and feral go when their lives are done here on earth. Your unpretentiousness has been a guiding light for me and a constant reminder to simply be true to myself taking one step at a time, one sip of water, one bite of food, one kiss, hug, bark, walk, run, nap, moment of fun at a time. My beautiful companion how very precious you are.
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