What a world we live in, in our own heads and as inhabitants of planet earth. The craziness, the incredible and unbelievable in people's behavior, the wrongdoing fueled by hate and fear seems more intense. The mainstream news focuses on up to the minute bad news, the dead and dying, war, abuse, corruption, desperation and despair. The breaking news alerts the viewer of something different and new happening, probably not a good thing about the harsh reality of our world. It's the news, "it's what's for dinner". We consume it consciously and subconsciously as fear mongers in the media, corporate America and other places continue to shove the ugliness down our throats. Health and happiness do not sell as well as fear, doubt, inadequacies, comparing yourself to others, confusion, judgement, hate, cynicism, complacency,

Stress follows the discontentment as worry and uneasiness settle-in. Meanwhile, mental and physical health are compromised. More effort is required to keep a good perspective, peaceful and positive. The attitude of gratitude is effective in curtailing the fretting but sometimes takes longer to get to that place.
Faith and Hope are great detractors of the darkness of the world. Grace surfaces from a soulful, spirit, out of sadness, grief, trauma, after, during the moment we are most in need of the divinity and blessing. Out of nowhere like a mighty warrior to light the darkness from places beyond most human understanding, above and beyond earth's boundaries from an unlimited, unconstrained place that is of peace, power and perfection, humble compassion-driven places of privilege. Our vulnerability is front and center when we seek shelter from life's storms. We look for and wish to connect to creators' creations since time untold, here and now from on high to the lowest places, the lost, richest, poorest we all long to connect to such graciousness.
Attaching myself to the idea of something to turn to when I am not sure of which direction to go, beyond what the eye can see but what the heart and soul can feel continues to prove over and over that keeping the faith is a rock-solid life-saving strategy, prayer and defense against a chaotic and unfair world.
To counterattack, appease, remedy, soothe, replace wrongdoing in the world means to cease the opportunity to lift the shroud of darkness whenever possible, in many situations at any time and any place. It is an ongoing summit of sorts; a cooperative based on our own willingness to offer a kind word or simple gesture of kindness and make life more livable. It is a no cost approach to contributing to the betterment of the world. To have the capacity to share our own gifts of faith and hope, joy and peace even as the darkness lurks around attempting to put out our light. Ain't it grand to realize we can share our light, our own preciousness our own peace and love.