Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In God We Trust

Here's a pearl that I came across today, it's out of a site called "God's Daily Promises" It goes like this: "LORD, there is no one like you! You ride across the heavens in majestic splendor to help us when we cry out to you. May we experience you today as our refuge and sense your everlasting arms of protection and love holding us. I praise you for your faithfulness and unparalleled power!"

~ GRACE. It is a most Perfect, Powerful, Peaceful place of Priveledge we will ever know.
It's magic, it's all the goodness your heart & head can ever imagine and hardly hold. GRACE is miraculous, has kept me alive. It fills me up.
I highly recommend it as something to look into, get upclose and personal with. It's the stuff dreams, kindness, compassion, humility, forgiveness and wonder are made of. It goes a long way and is as exciting, mysterious and beautiful as the best of the best in life.

GRACE can clear your blood shot eyes, and clean the cob webs in your brain. Say it, live it, breath it in, take a big drink from that well of replenishment and soon you will know what all the great thinkers and sages, philosophers, wise men and prophets have professed to all who will hear the good news. It's in our hearts all along. It's life, love and more of it. It's GRACE. Ahhh WHOO AHHHHH!
Thank you God! Thank you life. Keep us safe and mindful of all that brings PEACE and share it generously.

Finally, we can sigh a sigh of relief, even in times of pain, grief, sadness, darkness, despair and desperation, with the assurance that certain elements, unseen but surly felt, untouchable as a heart bursting with joy, gladness and good news.

We can say we have been given the keys to life. The Holy Grail has been discovered outright, it's been right here all along. AhhWhoooAHHH! Don't you love it? Have at it...and so it is, and as very Precious as YOU.

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