Friday, June 30, 2006

June 2006

As June winds down a new moon is poised to bring other things to light.
June has been one of those emotional roller coaster type jobbies. So I set my sights on July, starting with the Fourth of July and all of those childhood memories...swimming, sweating, rolling around like puppies with my twin brother. Getting bit by a black or red ant was a typical Summer thing. Brother or I would somehow manage to step on a nail. Brother seemed to meet up with those pesky nails more oftne than me and a trip to get a vaccination would immediately insue especially if it was a rusty nail, tetanus or some such shot to eliminate the possibility infection.

Just rambling basically, wanted to get one more tidbit in on the last day/night of June.

Here's to a good Summer 2006, all the typical Summer time activities and goings on and the great memories of Summers past that surface and take us back to those balmy dog day mornings, afternoons and nights.

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