Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wild Hair ~

Do you ever feel like just running a muck? You know, throwing caution to the wind, getting the proverbial "wild hair," especially right smack dab in the middle of the work week to raise hell and do things that are totally off the wall, out of sight and out of the ordinary.

Those times are so rare, fleeting and far between. I suppose that is why they are so delicious and such a treat. Extraordinary moments create an alchemy that thrust us into the future with a brave, bold, brazen, beastly, beautiful heart and leaves the mundane in it's wake. Yet it is the mundane, the thick and heavy times of everyday stuff that also keeps us sane and on track.

I look out for & forward to those precious beads of time that bare witness to the child in us, the fun loving, uninhibited, narley, rock 'um, sock 'um kid in us who is just dying to cut loose and soak-in delight, wonder, excitment, that priceless place that fuels our engines and reignites our enthusiasm, energizing us so we can carry on & contribute to the world.

While not looking too hard as it can not be forced... I know somewhere down the road I'll run into that shiny "Radio Flyer" of a time sure to propell me into an experience of goodness, to savor and cultivate and remember for years to come.

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