At once, bitter, harsh, complex, cruel, simple, strong and delicate. Oh, that humankind would be blessed with such a splendid representation as this, the softer side of the species. Powerful and lovely, heart stopping and head rushing as an eye and lung-full of the opulant full bodied, flourishing flower in full bloom, radiant in living, vibrant color. If unhindered would live as a bold, bountiful gift to all, consoler, confidant, care giver, lover, friend, mother, sister, daughter, moon and the brightest star of stars.
To women who make the world go around, keep the axis of the earth true, maintain the might and power of a lioness who protects her cub. God's most masterful work of art and wonder of all.
Saturday night in Albuquerque. It's a rainy night. I hope your safe, warm and dry where ever you are.


You know those dreamy, creamy, classic cars, just do something to me. Not quite sure why, but I've cultivated a crush on classic cars and motorcycles since I was a kid. It's true, I'm smitten. I guess you could say I'm a little "car crazy." I'm pretty fascinated with the way somebody can get a hold of a big 'ol, rusted-out tin can and transform it into something right out of Chip Foose's imagination. It's about as exciting to see the before and after pictures of a classic car as it is to see the before and after pictures of someone who's lost a good deal of weight. I loves me my Fabulous Forty's cars! Even tho' I'm not a grease monkey, per se, I sure do appreciate the know how, time, effort, energy, dinero involved in making these cool, cool, super cool cars not only road worthy, but also, of museum and car show quality that includes the design, care and craftsmanship.
This forest green beautiful bomb shell of a car is a 1947 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan. When I first came across this picture, a caption near the close-up of quarter panel and tire read: "What big white walls you have." 

Stylish, sleek, elegant yet simple, no nonsense and unpretentious, functional, fun and oh so fabalis. Just makes me want to grab my best gal and my doggie-dog and go for a long ride in the country. I'd think I'd just about died and gone to heaven.
Until next time, when I feel compelled to share matters and meanderings of no consequence to you. I bid you good night and God Bless~
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