Get a hold of yourself, take heart in hope and hold on tight.
Meditate on the positive, the power and perfection within. Peace of mind...what it takes to get through the longest day and loneliest night. Get on the good foot with one's thinking, not tripping about what the imagination conjures-up. Let it be, let it go, let the light out-shine the darkness and rest your weary heart with the balm of soothing, comforting quiet. Rest assured that the Holiest of Holy has everything under control. It's alright. You laugh, you cry, you lie awake at night tossing and turning as your soul stirs, aching to settle down and rise up into another realm of reality and good reason. Count your blessings instead of bearing the burden of doubt, insecurity, inner strife...that's no good. You must remind yourself over and over how much you have, so much to share and play forward. What was, is past, posturing you for the present, here and now. Be glad of another day, another opportunity to make someone happy, to bring joy and enhance the quality of your own existence as well as other precious life.
For real... do yourself and everyone else in your world a favor... keep your spirits

up and follow your heart to places and people that would take you into their void and fill-up again on your fuel of life...love...goodness, simple, subtle, crazy kindness. Let life's light and love carry you through the next moment that attempts to threaten you with negativity. Push-on with purpose, thrust forward with exuberance and be excellent for yourself and for others while allowing yourself to be free from dark, heavy, mind boggling nonsense that offers nothing of value to the tranquil, transcending tenderness within.
Focus, reflect on matters of value, of things, prospects, projects, places and people that make you glad, rebuke misery, dismiss the dampness of those distorted, tired tapes we insist on rewinding in our head. Yes, do take hold of yourself, you know the one, you've been traveling with, sojourning all this time, you've come this far for so long... move forward, upward, onward...your still here. Now GO, be alive and well~
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