Yes, for the love of you, I go out into a world brimming with mystery, everything joyous, painful, pleasurable, evoking anguish, amazement and confusion. The mother who loved me with all her might through the brightest days and darkest. How could I ever forget the roots, the cause and effect of learning how to go about life and living like a normal upstanding solid citizen and contributing member of society. Since childhood I strive to do right by the golden rules I was taught, the importance of having good manners and being well behaved in public and among people in private as well.

Having a twin brother presented challenges regarding curtailing domestic violence between the two of us. Fisticuffs often ensued pursuant upon the slightest disagreement or someone looking at the other the wrong way depending on other extenuating circumstance that would have already rendered a negative impact on the situation at hand and determine the level of tolerance, patience or degree of anger displayed.
Granted, Mark and I were like two rascally dogs who loved each other as much as annoyed, who wrestled, laughed, learned, played, fought on an on-going basis, however, if anyone, family, babysitter, friend, neighbor attempted to intervene, we did not take kindly to the attempted de-escalation of conflict and suddenly became allied forces against the arbitrator and mostly futile peace talks.
Today, I am a peace loving individual who sincerely tries to be a good person, patient with myself and others, Respect on the forefront of anything I say or do. When things, relationships, interactions with others take a weird or negative turn, the cause is usually due to careless whispers, lack of respect and/or miscommunication.
I was clear as to the necessity for decorum and acting appropriately, sensitive to others while avoiding the rude, hateful and obnoxious predators of compassionate, kind, loving, respectful people. For the love of you precious mother, I am able to distinguish between right, wrong and everything inside and outside of what it means to be a good person. I missed you very much this year. The world limped through 2020 as a worldwide deadly virus surfaced. Will take it up in It seems to have taken a toll in little and big ways on the world. I love you, me