You get to a point, usually landmark times of the year like your birthday, Christmas, certain anniversaries, the beginning and the end of a year... you can't help but think of where you've been, where you are and where you are going. You get to thinking about things; the who's, how's, when's, what if's. You wonder, wait, live, make mistakes, correct them, be better for the wear and tear. Around every corner attempt to be a blessing, a beacon, make a little or large difference in some one's life and be an accurate reflection of the grace and glory of God ~ The Holy Spirit, my safety, strength, guide, place of privilege, my life line, wish, dream, prayer, connection to perfection, power, protection, priceless respite & reprieve. You hope others find their way, have a place in the world and able to maintain some sense of security, comfort and respect.
Itemizing, taking stock of blessings... very humbling. I wonder sometimes how people who suffer get through it, from moment to moment much less day to day. Life wages war on people, the vulnerable, be it mental warfare, physical, spiritual, economical. The battlefields of life can render a person so broken, war torn, depleted, living life in peril, stricken with poverty and pain, home sick, heart sick, tired, weary and you think; "There but for the grace of God go I". You wonder, what you did to deserve all of your creature comforts and countless resources on the ready as so many struggle just to be alive and well.
I send my love out to all of life who move about in this world floundering or flourishing like every strand of weeping willow swaying gently in the soft breeze or getting tangled and twisted, fighting to be free from paralyzing conditions. Indeed suffering and sickness are as much a part of the human experience as thriving, happy, healthy living. Meanwhile, the have's and have not's live and sometimes work within reach of one another... We must at least go forth with a humble, grateful and prayerful heart, dispatching goodness from within, with intention to lift the spirits and lighten the burdens of those who ache with every minute that passes.
Humanity longs for a peaceful existence, as well for animals we share this planet with. We yearn for deliverance from despair, doubt and fear, and crave the presence of mind to replace the negative with the positive and the darkness with the sacred awareness of the blessed healing power of love and light ~
Try this for a week and you will be surprised."