Monday, December 23, 2013
Radio Days ~
From my all-time favorite film; Radio Day's, written & directed by Woody Allen.
A look at life of people, Jewish & other characters who listened and were part of radio in the late 30s, New York. This gem refers to economic, political & religious goings on of the day but sounds very similar to contemporary status quo of the 21st century.
Sunday, December 01, 2013
Matter In Motion
One season to the next as life moves forward with or without us. We want to stay in the game to propel ourselves into the next thing the next experience love, joy, anticipation, excitation, success, moment of complete peace and quiet. We step into the seasons ready or not with a sense of familiarity and a sense of uncertainty about what you use to be so certain about. Life and it's surprises, the disappointments and days you wish would last forever.
All our lives sharing the same vibration, gyration, place in time and space like the stars the moon and all matter in motion or suspended motionless to the deepest darkest void and brilliant quasars and cosmos that in humankinds limited scope, will never completely understand.
The year is draped in seasons, various times unfold with landmark days of the calendar like the time of day determines the events and the world turns in perfect sync with the force of gravity, the earths axis, our relation to other celestial entities and their place in the whole scheme of things in addition to many other factors involved with the whole elaborate waltz of the heavens. What a thrilling ride rocking and rolling through it all the galaxies, the ground and planet we inhabit.. what a rush, a mad marvelous magnificent, mind blowing ride.
We hope we are always welcome on this fragile resilient site and ancient dwelling- home sweet home- Earth. The life she bears cries tears of pain for a suffering humanity and all creatures as well as holy sacred tears of joy, grace, peace, compassion, Creation from the beginning every second of every hour we are here; I am, you are, all lives and all of life- is a miracle and speaks to the preciousness, importance and purpose of our existence among the stars.
All our lives sharing the same vibration, gyration, place in time and space like the stars the moon and all matter in motion or suspended motionless to the deepest darkest void and brilliant quasars and cosmos that in humankinds limited scope, will never completely understand.
The year is draped in seasons, various times unfold with landmark days of the calendar like the time of day determines the events and the world turns in perfect sync with the force of gravity, the earths axis, our relation to other celestial entities and their place in the whole scheme of things in addition to many other factors involved with the whole elaborate waltz of the heavens. What a thrilling ride rocking and rolling through it all the galaxies, the ground and planet we inhabit.. what a rush, a mad marvelous magnificent, mind blowing ride.
We hope we are always welcome on this fragile resilient site and ancient dwelling- home sweet home- Earth. The life she bears cries tears of pain for a suffering humanity and all creatures as well as holy sacred tears of joy, grace, peace, compassion, Creation from the beginning every second of every hour we are here; I am, you are, all lives and all of life- is a miracle and speaks to the preciousness, importance and purpose of our existence among the stars.
Sunday, October 06, 2013
PEACE is a place in our hearts, souls, minds and in the world, it creates change, awareness, strength and stability it thrives in positive environments and seeks to dwell in quiet places. It has the capacity to balance what is uneven and can right a wrong. It longs to keep company with life's light and hastens away if not regarded as important. *It is prayerful and blessed, full of grace supercharged with fierce intention, blind faith and the power to still a savage storm and tame the cruelest conditions. It is available and eager to be discovered during moments of unrest and strain although elusive as the wind it is accessible as one's own thoughts, it is a must have life-saving necessity, a force and matter of self preservation. *Peace is essential to a solid state of mind and best obtained by it's own definition; peacefully and with respect to the precious nature of it's very existence.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
..."God Was Just a Prayer Away"..
.."That first time you heard God's Voice"... No matter what season your in,..
Tell me you remember when your heart felt like September"
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
How does she run, sound, feel? Like blood and water run though my veins oil and gas run through the lines that lead to the motor, my shoes wear well like good tires. My constitution and health correspond to performance and horsepower under the hood. My eyes are wide open like headlights turned-on, my traditionally built legs carry me to the next place like solid suspension, chassis and axle.
Buckle-up prepare for lift-off and transportation, propel into the next place and space. The need to move, groove, race, keep the pace, rush, wear and tear it up, static, essential to our existence and speaks to positive elements of life. People, machines, time, life pushes on one step and mile at a time moving to the beat of the rhythm in slow motion and above the speed limit, while in Neutral and in Park.
Safe and secure as the spare tire, booster cables the emergency kit in place equal to good thinking and positive perspective preparing the motorist for life's dangerous curves and unforeseen detours. The motor vibrates like a kitten purrs when running well or screams and screeches out of control in the night when vehicles and people collide bodies are strewn scattered like mangled doll's across the field with an on-going search for survivor's.
The heart of the car transposes to the engine of the body, the transmission- the kidney's, the air filter- the lungs, the clothes the upholstery, the paint and body correlates to one's attitude while the hood, roof and trunk outline the human body. It's an obvious metaphor along with the creation, design, build, wear and tear, history, the ending is the same. The life and condition of the old car, of classic caliber and parallels the quality of human life, the reflection, presence or absence of respect and care given and received. Has the car or soul been driven to the ground or treated well and aging gently, full of character with great history and plenty of tread left on the tires?! Yeah, Let's go with that! ========= Let's Motor!
Friday, August 02, 2013
Planet Peace ~

Duality and beyond, this for that, yin-yang, Jeff & Mutt, Bonnie & Clyde, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, lover, hater, outrageously wonderful to the horrifying treatment of vulnerable humankind and other creatures to the scathing pain of mourning the loss of a child to disrespect in any form, to every single living being on this planet... peace ~ yes, we are connected, disconnected, searching, finding, regressing and evolving ~
Love and peace to you~
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Heart & Soul
To say goodbye to someone you have known forever, someone who was a permanent fixture in your life even if there were years you saw each other almost never... it is a time when one reflects on the goodness, the love, respect, admiration and stories about the life that passes on to another realm. The transition is sad but sacred as faith indicates after life on earth the spirit thrives in a perfectly peaceful place of existence.
The connection transcends time and space as the love is not diminished but remains in tact and in a state of grace, as if the connection is strengthened with the awareness that we now have greater access to the heavenly elements, powerful, unrecognizable to the human eye but felt with the heart and soul, spiritual connections we can not even fathom yet reveal themselves to us by way of abounding quiet and not so quiet blessings.
And so we say our sad goodbyes to prima Marian Romero, good woman, salt of the earth with a big heart and generous nature, funny, sassy and a safe place for me to land when I was bouncing off the wall with youthful exuberance and mom allowed me to hang out with. We were good paleez.
Love you Marian, rest in peace.
Saturday, June 01, 2013
One Day At A Time
How bout one minute at a time? The pace of life quickens and the day is fraught with possibilities, our thoughts constantly filtering various reasons to feel good, bad, disappointed, delighted, up or down. We try to maintain a happy medium and keep it together even though at times it would be so much easier to think, say or do something negative.
Taking life one day at a time keeps it simple when any given day includes moments you kind of feel like dying inside to see anyone suffer or to feel your own pain. We do quite well to think twice about allowing anything or anyone to disturb our own peace, yet we fall prey to ill fitting moments and encounters. How we react if at all, what thoughts and attitude do we naturally harbor to strengthen ourselves or enable to weaken our ability to remain positive.
The past, the future, imagination and mood are not always the best dance partners, the dance floor in my head more often than not recognizes when one or the other is out of step, it is a clumsy thought process, funky notions and fretful concepts emerge in rapid fire succession, I trip over myself as a natural consequence until I simply stop, shift gears, regroup take a deep breath and find my best mental and spiritual stride. I am once again cleared for take off, going for it (the moment, the day, life) peacefully doing what I can with what I have for whomever I can however it happens, in light, love, respect. Yes one day at a time, here and now ~
Taking life one day at a time keeps it simple when any given day includes moments you kind of feel like dying inside to see anyone suffer or to feel your own pain. We do quite well to think twice about allowing anything or anyone to disturb our own peace, yet we fall prey to ill fitting moments and encounters. How we react if at all, what thoughts and attitude do we naturally harbor to strengthen ourselves or enable to weaken our ability to remain positive.
The past, the future, imagination and mood are not always the best dance partners, the dance floor in my head more often than not recognizes when one or the other is out of step, it is a clumsy thought process, funky notions and fretful concepts emerge in rapid fire succession, I trip over myself as a natural consequence until I simply stop, shift gears, regroup take a deep breath and find my best mental and spiritual stride. I am once again cleared for take off, going for it (the moment, the day, life) peacefully doing what I can with what I have for whomever I can however it happens, in light, love, respect. Yes one day at a time, here and now ~
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day!
To you dear mother, dear special one of my life. Happy Mother's Day to you for being in my corner of the world, for loving me like no one else in the world could ever do. For teaching me the way to be a good person, by your example. I hope this Mother's Day you realize what a blessing you are and will remain forever.
May the Holy Spirit and creator of life continue to bless and keep you.
Happiness and peace of mind is my simple and sincere prayer for you and I am very blessed to know you are still just a phone call away, that I can hug you and talk to you and tell you how much I love you and appreciate you in my life. You lived your life for your family and sacrificed much to ensure your children were loved and cared for and understood the importance of respect for everyone.
How very important you are to me and all your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
You need to be reminded that by any measure and any standard you have accomplished an extraordinary feat in raising your six children, steering us away from careless behavior and nurturing us with your strong faith that God would see us through. You are a rare and resilient human being who did not take the easy road as a single working mother. You dared to take-on motherhood with ferocious intent to do a good job despite the challenges as vast as your prayers were constant. With much love and respect I hope we are an accurate reflection of the important, wise and wonderful things you taught us.
May the Holy Spirit and creator of life continue to bless and keep you.
bless and keep you,
Dear mother,
Happy Mother's Day,
Holy Spirit,
remain forever,
six children,
strong faith,
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Rules & Reg's

One does not always regulate owns own conscience be it by choice or other influences. The vulnerable fall prey and acquire a taste for hostility and aggression, detachment from a kinder, softer, peace-loving existence to a harsh, bitter, belligerent mentality. It is based on much exposure to malice, anger, frustration and unrest. Fear mongers attempt to choke the goodness out of life and seize the sweetness of the soul.
There is a strange and dark tolerance for disrespect. At times it feels like the whole world has gone mad. I don't remember it always being like this or are there simply more people which makes it more pronounce? Haters look for trouble, someone to disturb, instill worry, doubt and despair. As the sting and scars of disrespect become the order of the day this precious planet must feel every ache and pain. The collective pulse and heartbeat of mother earth longs for Love, Respect, Kindness and Compassion and in the end, must prevail.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Music can be heard far into the future, the colors of the world are captured in glass, on a wall and in a building, the statue stands stoically oblivious to the years. The iron bridge suspended in mid-air is as much a work of art as it is a functional structure and engineering feat. Art, in all it's mediums evokes feelings and thoughts to ease your mind and to stir it up. Creation summons art allowing the juices to flow to the place within where there is a reservoir of flavor, rich and full of idea's. It is satisfying, a pleasing experience for both the artist and the one who encounters it.
The world is home to countless artistic genius of all ages from all walks of life, in every direction of the globe. ☼ It is invaluable for it's therapeutic properties, immeasurable for it's capacity to heal, comfort and inspire. It is stimulating, stark, sad, joyful, exciting, explicit and engaging. The gift to create and recreate, to appreciate the natural and human made brilliance is quite special and feeds our insatiable appetite for more. Art is gracious, comforting, disturbing and a big part of life.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
There's a blaze of light In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though It all went wrong
I'll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah
~ Leoanard Cohen
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
There's a blaze of light In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though It all went wrong
I'll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah
~ Leoanard Cohen
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
A Blessing

Dear God, if all we can do to help the lost and forgotten, is keep the suffering in mind with reverence, then let our spirits connect and comfort who we can. To stop our selfishness when we complain about inconveniences, let us be reminded to be grateful for our own place in the world, where we are comfortable, safe, enjoy freedom, countless resources and things many, only imagine.
To somehow be a blessing to the tiniest soul in the most remote corner of the world to the one's we live with and see regularly. Let us be some one's light in their darkness, comfort in their confusion, joy in their sadness... let us be a blessing with every speck of possibility in peace and with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit ascending upon those most in need of respite and relief.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Sunni Marie Jack Paz Guadalupita ~

Sleep in heavenly peace precious pet, daughter dog, fantastic member of the family ~
Tumors growing quickly in her lungs caused her breathing to become increasingly labored. She was noble, strong, sweet, loving and beautiful through her last soft beath. She went peacefully and was surrounded by her people who are humbled, honored, blessed and better people because of her.
Everyone should die in such a calm, quiet manner. How to say goodbye and when? It never feels right, never easy, never a perfect moment, until it is upon you. The sad goodbye's in life leave you feeling bewildered, heartsick, lonely for the life that came into yours. The finality is razor sharp when reality takes it's ravenous bite out of you.
You start hearing familiar little sounds as you walk into an empty house devoid of that loving, simple, exuberance and kind presence. To say we miss Sunni Marie is to understate the importance of one who seemed to live for her people's sake. What a great spirit who will be remembered so endearingly. Yes, that little girl will be missed and mentioned often. Sunni Marie Jack Paz Guadalupita, you will remain alive and well in our hearts and souls you crazy wonderful Sundog!
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