So nice to come across something that gives one pause to take-in and digest, slip, slide and slurp around in your skull, seep through the empty spaces and penetrate the impermeable as you soak and bathe in the soothing, moving elements of the sky and earth.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Gibbous Moon

Turns out it was on it's way to being full, you know like a full-figured individual. It was a roly-poly moon. The technical term is Gibbous moon. I get a kick out of being reminded of or taught something interesting. It's satisfying to learn one more thing, knowing all the while there remains a vast amount more to discover, explore, figure-out, discern, learn about and soak-up, like what a gibbous moon is. It waxes, grows everyday, gets bigger, shinier, fuller, like brand new love riding a massive, unstoppable wave in contrast to a waning moon that gets smaller daily, nightly like a cowboy who rides off in no hurry, into the sunset.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Star Witness

And if the one night of this heavenly hullabaloo wasn't enough... low and behold, the next evening finds another distant display

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Miracles, Memories and Magic

What I want to bloggity-blog about, this day, the 23rd and my favorite day of any month, is the following excerpt from a story about a girl who out of necessity from wounds left from days past, scarred by life, incidents and accidents, yet delivered graciously, by the dead...blazes her own trails, however off the beaten path they may appear, however different, eccentric, peculiar or odd she may be. She marches to the sound of her own voice and beating heart.
"We choose our truths the way we choose our gods, single-mindedly, no other way to feel or see or think. We lock ourselves into our ways, and click all the truths to one. We put our truths together in pieces, but you use nails and I use glue. You mend with staples. I mend with screws. You stitch what I would bandage. Your truth may not look like mine, but that is not what matters. What matters is this: You can look at a scar and see hurt, or you can look at a scar and see healing. Try to understand." ~ from "A Gracious Plenty" by Sheri Reynolds
One more little thought to bring peace and comfort to this sometimes tired n weary, sometimes charged-up and so good to go, heart of mine, is this: Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly ~ Anonymous
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Twins are Us!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Ambient Light

This weekend is very much about All Saints and All Soul's Day-The Day of The Dead (Dia de Los Muertos)... observed by Catholics and highly revered in the Mexican culture as holidays that celebrate and remember loved ones who have preceded the living in death.

Good thing humankind innately knows in accordance with where, what, who and how the heart and soul speaks... in gentle whispers, in loud clear, succinct, straight to the point manner, fashion and form, in deafening tones, mild, mundane, monotone, yet mighty, kind, compassionately, honestly, fervently, with a fury and fire, a vengeance for doing what is right? Saints earn their "stripes," honorably, with humility, in a holy, sanctified place of perfection, power, peace, glory and comes with a high price attached, paid in full... in order to posture oneself in such a high ranking place of privilege as this. Wow...let's hear it for All Saints' and All Souls everywhere. My goodness, your goodness, may goodness, light, pure love and more of the same follow you where ever you go. Yeah, keep a watchful eye on us survivors of this here cruel, crazy, beautiful world, would you? Yes Saints, are you listening, watching waiting for our call, plea, prayer?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What the...???

This butte, a 1957 Ford Meteor Ranchero (picture by Prarie Dog), preceeded Chevolet's El Camino, another coupe... part car, part truck, stylish, distinctive, utilty vehicle for the discriminant motorist, industrious and attractive.

Here's another creation,
Monday, October 27, 2008
* Falling Star *

Wonder how the sky would look if the trail of a falling star remained, reappeared now and then depending on several variables? Perhaps when something extraordinary, earth shattering sad, spectacular or divine occures... subsequent strips of platinum and chrome, mercurial motion from fallen stars become visible and harkens only the ones who need to see it to soothe their soul. The silver streak disappears almost as instantly as it soars across the dark, distant atmosphere, etched into the firmament like a random ray of brilliance doodled, scratched-out on a black, deep blue, blank page. The sky becomes one big shimmering band and vein of light, a massive strip of shiny blusterous radiance.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Parisian Wisdom

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday Supplication ~

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
U2 - October
Almost half way through October. It's cold tonight. Where did the warm, sunny, weather go? Guess Albuquerque's Indian Summer is on it's way out. Things seem to be turning a bit dark and gray. I need to see things in vivid, living color right now.
Gonna go work-out. Instant therapy when a heart aches, feels heavy, haunted, icy hot, hung out to dry, heart rates race, skip, spike, peak, tweak from life's wear and tear. When life get's you by the short and curlies, it helps tremendously to work-out, get those endorphins a going... feels so good to move and groove, stride, slide and glide along and do it all again until your working-up a good 'ol sweat and feel good again. Yeahh, that's the way to go, be better, stronger, smarter and healthier. Beautiful. ..."and you go on"...
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Dames, Rain & Automobiles
At once, bitter, harsh, complex, cruel, simple, strong and delicate. Oh, that humankind would be blessed with such a splendid representation as this, the softer side of the species. Powerful and lovely, heart stopping and head rushing as an eye and lung-full of the opulant full bodied, flourishing flower in full bloom, radiant in living, vibrant color. If unhindered would live as a bold, bountiful gift to all, consoler, confidant, care giver, lover, friend, mother, sister, daughter, moon and the brightest star of stars.
To women who make the world go around, keep the axis of the earth true, maintain the might and power of a lioness who protects her cub. God's most masterful work of art and wonder of all.
Saturday night in Albuquerque. It's a rainy night. I hope your safe, warm and dry where ever you are.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Take Heart

For real... do yourself and everyone else in your world a favor... keep your spirits

Sunday, September 28, 2008
"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Twins!
Here's to you Mark Allen Joseph and Mary Ellen.
What a combo. We tore it up, had a good run, sliced, diced, peeled and pounced on life together. The twin-ness made life pretty interesting and full of special stuff, happy to say; were treated to extra goodness, extra fun, extra love and extra-ordinary times together. I'll never forget you brother. I'm thinking of you today and of course recall many moments you and I lived-out in such a way... not time nor space can take away.
Alvin and Chipmunks featuring David Seville, ah yes those were the days of hanging around the record player with a nickle holding down the needle to keep it from skipping as Alvin, Theadore, Simon and ring leader David sang their way through The Witch Doctor with little Mark and Mary listening and playing that wild, wacky number over and over and over again. Pure gold! Pure magic! Puro (pure) Fun for the twins!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Them, They, Those, Ours, Others, Us, We, You, Me
Later in the day I saw another women in a wheel chair traversing her way across traffic moving, rolling in the direction of a parking lot. It required extra effort on her part and I'm sure is the general nature of her life, in contrast to what able bodied people do without barriers. The women in the wheel chair, so often going face to face with obstacles. I retreated again, to a place of prayer for all of those who have so much to bear in they're lives, down trodden, heavy hearted, afflicted in some way by poor health, economic hardship, social discourse, unbalance, constant unrest... It is humbling and right that I remind myself to take stock of my countless blessings, the abundance, comfort and conveniences.
The Dalai Lama said; "This is my simple religion; There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is KINDNESS." It makes sense and very much within humanities scope. Our sensibilities realize this innately. Prayer, simple prayer, ....a holy thought, taking only a moment to project kindness, compassion. We can emit these priceless and essential neccesities of the soul.
I believe, IOU me, for showing me how to offer LOVE and PEACE. I promise to pass along simple yet powerful prayer, reassured that somehow in the whole vibrational scheme of things and sphere of life it truly matters and makes a difference...resonates and is bigger than all the aching and pains of life.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Still there

The moon is still there after all this time and so many years later, hovering, suspended in nothing, the cosmos, a galactic sea of space, storms, atmospheric phenomenon, prancing and dancing about draped in prisms, particles, dust, delight, sights, sounds, solar synchronicity moving at a seemingly symphonic pace, waltzing, gliding in slow motion toward unknown and unimagined places without a beginning or an end only to start all over again.
Still there, taking transient residence in the recesses of the mind. The rhythm of life responds simultaneously... subtle and stark as the heavens vibrate and whisper attempting to wreck havoc in our hearts and heads and create perfect harmony and bliss all at once. The ocean tides turn, currents twist, babies stir, animals pace, emergencies unravel, souls search and one way or another even the steadfast and calm are affected by it's mysterious, mercurial maneuvers in the sky high, far away leaving us forlorn, feeling forsaken and yearning for more.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Harvest Moon

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another dark day "in infamy"
What I feel compelled to share with you, while looking at the pictures, which to me is a reminder of the cruelty humanity is capable of incurring upon one another...something Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese-American, artist, poet, writer, philosopher and theologian wrote in the 1920's and is particularly prophetic, profound and timeless; "THE BUTTERFLY WILL CONTINUE TO HOVER OVER THE FIELD AND THE DEWDROPS WILL STILL GLITTER UPON THE GRASS WHEN THE PYRAMINDS OF EGYPT ARE LEVELED AND THE SKYSCRAPERS OF NEW YORK ARE NO MORE."
Peace and love to you precious friend
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Soldier-Up to Bombs, Bullets and Broken Hearts

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Rest in Peace Ramona

Ramona succumbed to complications of Parkinson's disease. She gave it a good fight after several years. The last time I saw her was around Christmas, 2007. I pulled out a beautiful ceramic nativity set she made for me some years ago. The set included the three wise men, a camel, donkey, little drummer boy and of course Joseph and Mary with Baby Jesus. I had to see Ramona to thank her and remind her of that nativity set she made me and how beautiful it looked on my shelf in the entertainment center. When I saw her it was a shock, I knew she was ill with Parkinson's but to know what type of women she was for all those years, strong, exuberant, so active and involved with life and seemed to make every moment count. She kept an organized, neat and very cozy home and now to see her so physically incapacitated, it was heart wrenching to say the least.
She will be missed. Her grandchildren, particularly Camille, Allice and Rudy (Tripper) were awesome as they stepped-in and made sure they could help their precious Grandmother during the last couple of years and covered every detail imaginable to comfort her and make life manageable. It's pretty amazing, the level of support, especially Camille, showed during the hardest days, what a true testimony to the love and devotion a grandchild or any child can have for their aging and ailing loved one.
There are some people who you see next to never yet you know will be there no matter what, special or sad times, celebrations and such. It's a given. Even earlier today talking to one of my sisters she automatically included Ramona while mentioning the people who are invited to join us in celebrating my Mothers 83rd birthday next week. It's an automatic, knee jerk type-thing. And now Romona has transitioned on into what I believe is a better place...peaceful, powerful, perfect, a place of privilege and with her daughter Renee who preceeded Ramona in death several years ago due to an illness that took her life quickly. That really knocked alot of wind out of Ramona and maybe the heart break and headache of Rene's death somehow triggered the Parkinson's. We'll never know. It doesn't matter. Ramona will be thought of endearingly and loved forever by those of us whose lives she touched and impressed with her goodness and presence while living out all of her days and nights in this world.
We love you Ramona!
Mary Ellen
Monday, August 18, 2008
Did You Hear The One About...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Nature Boy
Sunday, August 03, 2008
August ~ Amen
The part of life that is lovely, light and lingers on in our memory rendering relief and respite...a soft reflection in hard times of loneliness or to recount a piece of life with regret, remorse or a wish and prayer that you could undo, redo or remain undisturbed, undaunted, unmoved by the pain of the present and past. There is a pull and push to steady the course, maintain balance in an unbalanced world. To be a rock when everything is rolling, to run when it would be easier to walk. To stay when you want to go. To go when you would love to stay. To hasten to a destination when you would rather drift along. Be still, calm and quiet when you are compelled to cry, rant and rave. Patience, peace, the divine purity and perfection placed in our very presence to protect us in the eye of the storm so we might emerge unscathed, sheltered and shinier through it all.
The magical, most memorable moments in time seem to zip past us at warp speed, begging to be savored, suspended in time, frozen long enough to take hold of your heart then float on to infinity. The luxury of pondering such things in a world drowning in doubt, dispair, indebted to so many for so much, depleted and dying for good loving, good living and, foot-stomping, side-splitting, lighting-fast bits of life we wish would last forever as the creamy and complete experiences leave you wanting more.
Good morning , good day, good after noon, good night, good God Bless us, then, now and forever, never forgetting the good, standing tall, stronger than your weakness and carry on with the heart of a lion and the brilliance of a bursting, blazing galaxy, stretching and streaking across the vastness, the monumental beauty in you, in us, in our midst, reminding ourselves with youthful exuberant purpose and intention to build a better home, a safe and happy place, a port in the storm when one is lost, afraid, in need of the warmth and comfort of words and ways to encourage hope, a better awareness and understanding of an unbelievably perfect, safe, peaceful, powerful place and time, accessible right here and now, to those who seek such miraculous nuggets of heaven. The prospects are exciting, exhilarating, at once excruciatingly overwhelming to imagine the possibilities. Relax, restart, at ease.
Go and come in peace and find a way toward or back to something or someone good, kind, right and real. Is it you, is it me all along like the answers found in some questions? Let go, no reaction to the action of shame, blame, judgement, torment, twisting what is good into distasteful and fictitious falsehoods. Time is wasted with self imposed burdens, bitter tears are shed yet washes you clean. Take comfort in time invested to smooth out the bumps and bruises, leaping above the lumps and lacerations of life, emerging like a champion with the ones you love and take with you forever, into a place we can only imagine, far beyond our wildest dreams.
The original entry today was inadvertently erased. I put together a few thoughts this afternoon, it was something out of the "slap my face and call me Willie" files. It shook me to the core, like a lighting bolt, shocking the sh*t out of me. I lost it with a tap of a button. To rewrite, reword verbatim, the inspired soliloquy is asking to much. I started writing about summer winding down and back to school time, then I heard Kid Rock sing Amen ... I took a left turn and another go at it as someone laments, yet again, about life so laughable, lovable, deplorable, delightful, simple, tangled and true.
The tall and short of it... I pray and love you into the future with pure intention to lighten your load, when it's heavy, to lift your spirit when it's not clear or cleaned for take-off. I bid you peace of mind and wish for hope, courage, commitment to keep your corner of the world and mine...smoother, softer, smarter, sweeter, healthier, standing upright, ultimately happier for the wear and tear of tears, cheers, triumphs and tragedies, by The Rivers of Babylon.
I bow my head to you and to pilgrims everywhere; Viya con Dios mi preciosa amigas y amigos de mi corazon y alma! To People Who Need People... aah that would be you and me.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Look at Those Cover Girl Eyes

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Special Time in Space, Special People in Place
Like the title of one of FF's best story books and what I would like to say to you had I been there the day you were born is; "Welcome to the World Baby Girl" Thank you for what you are about to do forever more...which is...make life lovlier, softer and much more livable for me and many more.
With love,
from me ~
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Luna Llena (Full Moon)

Saturday, June 07, 2008
Respiratory System
Your death on June 6, 1994 around 10:10 PM mountain daylight time created a timeline for me, for those of us who got the wind knocked out of us something ugly upon your departure from this cruel, crazy, beautiful world. Life and times while you were here and my life after your passing...there is a definite void without you even tho you are very much still thought of, referred to and loved. It's just that it's a different era since you've been gone. I still and will always consider us twins but where are you?
Precious life, a limb has been amputated from my existence. I make do, no doubt make the best of it... life without you... but daamn sometimes that dastardly grief and all the funky stages involved get me by the short and curlies, at the most inconvenient times and kind of bitch-slap-me around...and let me tell you it ain't pretty. It passes, reminiscent of a hot flash, the roar subsides into a dull aching purr, a chronic pain that is there, reminding me that I'm not gonna get a call to brief me on the upcoming game statistics, personal profiles and the backgrounds of key players, the stuff that made a game (whatever sport) interesting and why we want this team or that one to win. I'm not gonna get a call to invite me over for a round of Liverpool (card game played w/2 decks), nor get together with friends nor to tell me Barny's in a fix on The Andy Griffith Show.
Just getting a little sentimental and blue about you. I'm on my way to host a radio program. I'll put on music I know you love and I'll think of you endearingly with longing and love.
I said what I had to say for now brother. Talk to you later ~
Monday, May 26, 2008
In Memoriam

I am forlorn, such an obvious void without you. Grief strikes without warning as heartache hums it's haunting tune, loneliness echoes delicately in the background then subsides until the next wave of longing rushes in. To say "we miss you" sounds so inadequate, vague...but true. We long to share life with you as we remember the reasons we love you then, now and forever.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Re: May 23

our happiness...happier, turn a negative into a positive while filling us us with joy, jubilation, gladness and glee, and manage to create more light, make life more livable, laughable and lovely. ¡Ay que Rico! Oh how Rich!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Moon River

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Way to Go Sparky!!!

~ We love you Mom ~
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Albuquerque Dukes Stadium, Where have you gone?

As ticket stubs were taken, the organ player provided lively renditions of “Take Me Out To The Ball Game.” The smell of fresh popcorn, peanuts, cotton candy and sweaty kids filled the air. Barkers sold programs and people waited in line at the concession stands to get a jump start on the cokes, cold beer, corn dogs, candy and soft ice cream served in a plastic baseball helmet with the team logo of your choice. The souvenir stand attracted a constant smattering of people checking-out the latest in Dukes banners, shirts, hats and various Dodgers souvies. It was all there. Walking up the ramp onto the concourse to get an eye full of the stadium was nothing short of spectacular. The Sandia Mountains sitting stately off in the eastern skies was a site to behold. The chairs, bleachers and grassy areas surrounded the baseball field to the west and southern sides of the stadium. The green and brown diamond was manicured to perfection and the outfield wall was home to the scoreboards, billboards and flagpoles with flags of New Mexico and The United States. The National Anthem made us stand up straight and the seventh inning stretch prompted even more personal color commentaries and wise cracks about the game and the characters that watched and played.
The drive-up parking and picnic areas attracted baseball fans by the carload and when home runs were hit out to the rugged hill of lava rocks, the announcer could be heard over the public address system reminding fans not to retrieve the balls. Games were interrupted occasionally by planes flying low enough that spectators could see the landing gear lowered as aircraft made its way to nearby airports. A full moon rising from behind the Sandias during a game was incredible to watch and only added to the crisp, colorful moment. Special promotions and give a ways like Funny Nose and Glasses made for kooky times, but nothing drew bigger crowds than “Fireworks Nights.” People and dogs from miles away couldn’t help but pay attention to the commotion of sights and sounds coming from the stadium. We waited for our ride home by the big concrete baseball on the southwest corner of the block where a raucous round of King of the Mountain was usually in order.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
So Long April!

I'm looking forward to a merry month of May, Mary's month. We'll see how it goes. If I have anything to do with it which I it will be good for me, for those I might be able to share goodness with. Yes that is my forcast for May, brought to by, through and with love and affection from yours truly ♪